(RIP) Brownie is so sick!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Boca Raton, FL, , USA
This has been going on for awhile. When we first put up the christmas tree, it was sp cute that Brownie would lay under it for hours. Then he started to be sick and I suspected he may have been eating the needles or the pitch from the tree or drinking out of the water contaner. His poops were soft and there was watery discharge. After a couple of days he was feeling better ,eating etc. On Christmas day my son let him out and he got under the tree again. I put him back in his cage when I realized but now he is sick again. This time even worse. He seems in a daze. He isn't eating, even his prize cheerios treats. I have gotten him to drink water but I have to hold the bowl under his mouth. A few lettuce leaves but no pellets and no hay and not even apples.

He is siting hunchd up with his eyes half open. I am trying to keep him warm and get him to drink.

What else should I do? I am scared to death he might not make it through the nights.

I am thinking the tree might have been sprayed with incecticide or something else. It's definitely from the tree.

I just am upset over his lack of any energy and his "out of it" responses.

He is having runny poo and it;s smelly and watery at times. May be urine though, not sure.

Other than keeping him warm and getting him to drink, which you're already doing, all I can suggest is getting him to a vet ASAP. Hydration is always key whenever the stools are runny. If you can get him to eat parsley or dandelion soaked in water, that might help. Also try Pedialyte, it will do a better job of hydrating.

But otherwise, try and keep him quiet and stress-free. Don't try and force-feed him slurry or anything at this point.

If he's grinding his teeth or otherwise showing signs of pain and you don't have vet access, I'd try a baby Motrin. I give my little guys a quarter tab of the berry flavoured stuff.

Hope he's okay. :(

sas :pray:

All of those posts are probably your best luck. Because it could be really anything, from the tree and something that he ate from the tree. It sounds bad, I hope he gets better.

So I vet would be your best bet about finding whats the matter. :goodluck:pray:

Will try and get him tosee vet tomorrow. It is difficult because the nearest ones don't treat rabbits. My vision problems don't permit me to drive very far away from home/ The vet he has seen before has told me to take him to a rabbit specialist in the future.

I just wrapped him in a warm towel and eld him for awhile. I felt his stomach but it feels soft and OK. I could feel his heartbeat/pulse and it seemed rapid and strong.

He is back in his cage now and I added apple juice to his water. He doesn't seem to be drinking as much anymore, even when I hold the bowl right under his mouth.

He tried to eat a cut up banana this morning but dropped it in his water bowl by mistake. Very unlike him as he adores bananas.

I will keep trying to get him to drink and add some dampened lettuce leaves to his bowl agin.

This is hard! But I don't think he's in pain. No grinding. It's just the incoherence and lack of eating and drinking that is very worrisome.

Thanks for all your advice.

Can he swallow if you tried to get him to drink from a syringe..if so ..and he is able to swallow then try to get him to drink just plain water if you don't have pedilayte or anything like that.

keep us up-dated
I hope that he pulls out of it
I added the apple juice to his water and he is drinking! He has sat beside his water dish for an hour now, periodically slurping down. I am encouraging him along with Good Boy! I like seeing him drink. As long as he is hydrated and warm he may be ok yet. He has snapped out of sicknesses before.

It's just that I love him so much. He is the sweetest most kind angel around.

Thanks to the person who suggested the apple juice in the water. It has worked wonders!
OMG I just got up to check Brownie and he is gone! OMG my sweet baby boy has died. I thought he was doing better as he was drinking tonight. I am just overcome with grief. Damn it's Christmas.
I'm so sorry to hear your boy died. It sounds like he died in peace. This is such a hard time to have a pet pass, I'm sure many here also feel your pain... If you are needing an answer as to what might have killed him many vets and universities will perform a necropsy for you.


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