RIP: A better life for Brigitte

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I tried to post this morning and the forum went all beserk on me.

I'm so sorry for the decision that you had to make. I really am. You were in my thoughts and prayers all day long.

Your love for her was so evident in your posts and all that you were doing. She certainly was a lucky bunny.

[size="-3"]The forum has been seriously bonkers for me for the past week. This is what I was going to post.
About what happened:
Nuge was with her the entire time when we were at the vet. We had the vet euthanize her right with us, because I wanted to be there with her.

The vet gave her anesthetic in her rump, she had been grinding her teeth, purring until she started to fall asleep. Nuge snuggled up to her, seeming to understand what was going on. He started grooming her (he hasn't in a long time) and snuggled next to her.

The vet came back fifteen minutes later, giving the anesthetic plenty of time to set in, but she was definitely asleep within three minutes, her body limp but breathing slowly. We laid her down on the table, Nuge still sitting next to her. Dr. Zorn located her heart and gave her an injection, and listened to her with a stethoscope. She said that she was gone and my friend and I just started bawling.

Nuge was still snuggled next to her, and would occasionally sit up and seem to talk to us. We cried for a long time, and then we waited till it seemed like Nuge was done saying goodbye to her.

I went to get Dr. Zorn and asked her what I should do. She said that since we are going with cremation, then she will take Brigitte to the back, where she will wait till next week. The crematorium will pick her up then, and return her in about another week, where they will give me a call to let me know.

The receptionist said that I can take care of paperwork when I come back to get her. That small convenience was a big help in just relaxing.

She doesn't hurt anymore. I have to keep telling myself that. I have ordered a nice wooden urn, with a place for a photograph of her in it.

I keep crying. I'm so glad I'm done with this semester. Thank you all for your support and help in helping her to get to the best place possible.[/size]
I'm so sorry :(. You did the right thing by her, and I'm pleased that she had you and Nuge with her. I'm sure Nuge understood what was happening, and he will find it easier to deal with.

God Bless, Brigitte. No more pain now.

[size="-3"] Nuge was still snuggled next to her, and would occasionally sit up and seem to talk to us. We cried for a long time, and then we waited till it seemed like Nuge was done saying goodbye to her.


superchard, earlier tonight Karl and I watched Karla and Barry snuggling on the bedroom rugs. I will draw strength from your courage and notes. Embraces from this side of the rabbit & person-caring comraderie as you heal from Brigitte's passing to the bridge ...
You cry not alone, ...

This thread has me bawling my eyes out, I don't think I've ever gotten so emotional over an RO thread before. But your thread about Brigitte really touched me..

I am so, deeply sorry about Brigitte. She had an amazing home where she was loved so much, and for that I'm glad she finally got the home she deserved before her passing. Thank you so much for being such a loving person, taking care of animals like Brigitte.
I am so sorry Brigitte didn't make it - I've been following this thread since I think I joined this site and really was championing for Brigette. You definetly tried everything you could and I personally feel you made all the right decisions.

As Treasured Friend suggest -you definetly do not cry alone - as I'm crying now after reading about Nuge w/Brigette at the end. Greatidea to take him along... Hope you all start to feel better soon.
I'm in tears. I'm so sorry you lost her, she was beautiful. She obviously put up a very brave fight and she was lucky to have someone and somebun who cared so much about her. Binky free Brigitte.
I am so sorry to hear about Brigitte. She was truly a beautiful and special bunny. Bless you for making her last days filled with love.


I cried and cried for you and're in our prayers. Brigitte was a beautiful girl, and she's healthy and happy now. You took great care of her, and she knew how very much you loved her.

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