RIP: A better life for Brigitte

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Turns out that my regular vet moved to Texas! I wish I would have gotten notice in the mail or something. so I'm seeing the other rabbit vet there, and she does acupuncture, too, which might help Brigitte. I've been talking with Randy (ra7751) about possibly trying Ponazuril - I don't think there's much hope for recovery right now though.

If anyone knows anyone who is also wanting to use Ponazuril, I bet one tube could work for at least four buns so that would significantly cut the cost ($200/tube) if we split it...

I feel like I'm grasping at straws anymore.
Poor Brigette... When do you get to see the new Vet? Acupuncture might really help (my Acupuncturist works on all types of animals and he says he has better results w/animals than with humans - as animals are not skeptical).. Good luck to you both.
Acupuncture was recommended for Karla today as well. Naturestee is so kind and helpful on RO for mentioning Brigitte's blog and special needs' concerns. Randy is terrific as he's provided input on chloramphenicol for me. I'm going to get some books out or google on Ponazuril...

Karla's wasting away in her hind region on left side. I'll share notes from our vet next week ifhelpful for Brigitte and her recovery / stability.
I'll try to access the photobucket gallery again; couldn't view it. naturestee mentioned pads. Karla keeps, most of the time, a 3-inch section sanitary pad folded in half, adhesive sides sticking together, and trimmed to fit in between her pressed together back legs.The padskeep the abscesses and friction sores from developing. I buy Kotex thin maxis. I've tried other brands but rely on those,
The vet said that there's two options: either let it take its course or euthanasia, neither of which are good. :tears2:
The vet doesn't anticipate her making it through the week. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.

She's been seizing like crazy recently, I found out that her one good eye is actually blind now, and it's just so sad.

She's on a heavy narcotic to make the last days as pain-free and pleasant as possible, I'll post what it is later.

She said also that the prognosis is either a brain stem infection or a tumor, either is really hard to diagnose, and harder to treat if not diagnosed really early, which is almost impossible to do.

The baytril and the panacur were keeping her going, but I'm discontinuing them. She doesn't need this any longer than she has to. To keep her going is just selfish on my part.
And this way, Nuge, her partner will have a better understanding of what's going on.
Thank you all for your help and support, as well as thoughts and prayers. The drug she's on is Torbutrol, and she's taking 1.25mg every six hours. The doc said that she should be happy and pain free with that.
I'm so sorry for what you're going through with her. I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my just hurts so much to know you're going to lose a rabbit.

I wish I had words to say - but I feel so empty. This reminds me so much of the night I realized that I was gonna lose I put her towel in the dryer to get her nice and warm - gave her some water (she didn't want much) and took her in my arms and told her we were gonna take a nap.

I was prepared to take her to the vet the next morning if she made it that long....she didn't.

I hate a lot of illnesses - I think EC is the one I hate the most...

I'm so so sorry....I wish I had more to say.

I just want you to know that others have gone through this too - and we've made it out the other side.....we're here if you need to talk.

EC is tough to deal with. I saw Simon go downhill in a week. He was doing okay and within a week he couldn't clean himself and stand-up. He just wasted away. I saw the pain in his eyes and knew it was time. It was the most difficulty decision I had to make in my life. I let him go. He went peacefully. It was a relief for me. I know that sounds funny but it was. I'm okay with that decision. It was the best for him. He probably was the happiest he had been in a long time.
I'm so sorry...and i know how hard it's very heart breaking...when i got the diagnoses that my Pippi had EC,i was absolutely devestated...i didn't deal with things to well...andno matter how much treatment i got for him,he stilljust slowly slipped away from my life,it was the worst 8 months i had ever been through with one of my bunnies...i would cry so much for my boy....i to HATE that disease for what it did to Pippi and how it took him away from me.

Poor Brigitte:( are both in my thoughts

I forgot to mention that it is a brain stem infection, not EC that is taking her. It seemed so unimportant when I got back from the vet.

She's still here. I'm wondering if she's going to hang on longer than the vet thinks she will. I'm so afraid of coming home and her not being around any more.

One can hope for the best. You have consider her quality of life. You'll know when the time is to make the best decision for her. It isn't easy. You have pleanty of people here to talk to.

Tomorrow, sadly, we are taking her to the vet to be euthanized. She definitely not doing well, but I can't stand keeping her in this condition. She's only going to get worse, and probably slower than any of us want it to happen. She doesn't want to drink her water as much any more, and she's been seizing a lot, too. She doesn't deserve this. She'll be cremated, but I don't know what I'm going to do with her ashes as of yet.
brain stem infection ... will google when the eyes are "more dry" ... will go offline to hug everybody.

... arms reach out ~ as Brigitte is released from her pain ... i am so sorry ... prayers and thoughts,
I don't know if what I can say will be of any consolation, but I admire you for giving her the best life possible in her last days. I can tell that you care very deeply for Brigitte and want her to be happy and not suffer. I'm so sorry that there is no other way to keep her happy and pain-free anymore.:tears2:

I'll be thinking of you and your beautiful Brigitte today as she peacefully crosses to the bridge. Binky free, Brigitte, you are deeply loved. :hug:

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