RHVD2 Experiences

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
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My sister, Willa and Foxwell's co-owner, is pursuing journalism and working on a piece related to the US RHVD2 outbreak, specifically how it has changed the rabbit owning community. She was curious if anyone on the forum would be willing to discuss if the current outbreak or risk of the disease has changed how anyone cares for their rabbit, has introduced new rabbits, or choose not to adopt a new rabbit to prevent exposing any rabbits they already have.

I have told her about the mailing list I'm on trying to get the vaccine approved for use in our state and that I'm sure other folks on here are doing similar things. She's also very interested in how, or if, the virus has changed how any of us access food, greens, or hay for our rabbit So, if you have any stories, anecdotes, or information about how RHVD2 has impacted your life with rabbits, I'd love to hear about it. Anything is of interest and I would love to hear from anyone regardless of location. I'm extremely interested to read responses! Thank you!
Yeah so I like to take my rabbit outside but... can't do that. We also are more careful to not wear shoes in the house or bring backpacks, coats etc in the house. Except for the porch of course. I am happy to report that my rabbit hasn't gotten it yet! I live in Canada therefore there is no available vaccine for rabbits yet... hopping ( get it?) for the best!
I live in the NYC metro area. I consulted with the Dakota veterinary clinic - the most rabbit savvy vet near me - and was told that it is currently cost prohibitive for them to acquire a license to import the vaccine, which I think is a very interesting problem.

My rabbit is healthy but I've been hesitant to bring her in to the vet for checkups out of concern about exposure. For that reason I'm looking into vets that might provide house calls.
I live in the NYC metro area. I consulted with the Dakota veterinary clinic - the most rabbit savvy vet near me - and was told that it is currently cost prohibitive for them to acquire a license to import the vaccine, which I think is a very interesting problem.

My rabbit is healthy but I've been hesitant to bring her in to the vet for checkups out of concern about exposure. For that reason I'm looking into vets that might provide house calls.
New York approved the Medgene Labs vaccine on October 12, 2021. Here's a link to their website: RHDV2 | Solutions | Medgene Labs
My sister, Willa and Foxwell's co-owner, is pursuing journalism and working on a piece related to the US RHVD2 outbreak, specifically how it has changed the rabbit owning community. She was curious if anyone on the forum would be willing to discuss if the current outbreak or risk of the disease has changed how anyone cares for their rabbit, has introduced new rabbits, or choose not to adopt a new rabbit to prevent exposing any rabbits they already have.

I have told her about the mailing list I'm on trying to get the vaccine approved for use in our state and that I'm sure other folks on here are doing similar things. She's also very interested in how, or if, the virus has changed how any of us access food, greens, or hay for our rabbit So, if you have any stories, anecdotes, or information about how RHVD2 has impacted your life with rabbits, I'd love to hear about it. Anything is of interest and I would love to hear from anyone regardless of location. I'm extremely interested to read responses! Thank you!
Hi, Montana approved Medgene Labs' vaccine on October 8th. It isn't a blanket approval for their licensed veterinarians but rather a decision is made on an individual basis. Here is a link to their website: RHDV2 | Solutions | Medgene Labs
Hi, Montana approved Medgene Labs' vaccine on October 8th. It isn't a blanket approval for their licensed veterinarians but rather a decision is made on an individual basis. Here is a link to their website: RHDV2 | Solutions | Medgene Labs
Very interesting! I have not been in contact with any vets who supply or carry the vaccine in Montana yet, although pressure is being placed on the Montana state vet to bulk order and distribute. While approved, it looks to be a while out from being actually accessible to rabbit owners. The nearest locations that may have the vaccine at this time to my state is Seattle (12-18 hour drive) and Salt Lake City (6-12 hour drive) depending on location.
I hope others have more access than my region, although I appreciate the new info
Hello All! My Momo was vaccinated back in October in N. East Florida. I felt fortunate to be able to do this for him, as I was well aware of the difficulty in finding vets who were approved to procure and administer the vaccine!
In the US, most states that are allowing the vaccinations, also require your rabbit to be microchipped in addition. This virus is so devastating, that thy want to be able to track it in the event of a mortality.
Please be aware that just because your bunnies are indoor rabbits, they can still get the virus from infected hay and pellets, a was the case in my town not long ago! It was detected in bale hay that was being used as food and litterbox filler.
So very sorry to hear of your devastating loss @Bunniebinky!
hoping the vaccinations are made worldwide soon!
How? Like, how is that technically possible?
Two domestic rabbits died in Minnesota from the virus. These were the first rabbits in MN to get the virus. The rabbits had not been outside or around other rabbits. We were told that the rabbits got a new source of hay, and the hay could have been contaminated. The other way the rabbits could have gotten the virus is from their owners who took a trip to a "red zone" where the virus was spreading among wild rabbits. The owners could have gotten the virus on their shoes when they were hiking, then worn those contaminated shoes around their domestic rabbits.
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@Preitler , As I understand it, the RHDV virus can survive for 120 days on a surface, is not terribly affected by either cold or heat, can be ingested by a bird of prey that eats a dead rabbit and flies 100 miles before being shat out, and still be alive!
That's why no particular area or living situation can be considered totally safe for a pet rabbit. Momo got the Filavac vaccine and the microchip not long after that case was confirmed in my area.

As far as bale hay goes, my Momo would only eat bale hay for the longest time....like he wanted to be a horse when he grew up! The last bale I bought was grown and harvested in an area that was not in proximity of an outbreak area.....and I waited the required time to acquire immunity before I'd let him near it.
A bit of a doesn't-bother-me-much side of the outbreaks from me.
As far as i'm aware, there haven't been any recorded outbreaks anywhere near where i'm from; yet the complex vaccine for both myxomatosis and rhvd1+2 (Nobivac myxo rhd+) is approved and supposedly avaliable in my country, although i've only seen vets use myxoren (just against myxomatosis; avaliable in any vet clinic that's even the slightest bit aware about rabbits) on rabbits. Our culture is also a bit different to those of regular americans, we don't wear our shoes indoors; so i'm pretty content in not having my rabbits vaccinated against rhvd strands and feel safe in letting them out for grazing in the summer. Though if the complex vaccine would be more avaliable, i wouldn't say no to an added layer of protection! My buns still regularly get vaxxed for myxo, though that isn't a mandatory thing by our country.
Fortunately I was able to get the other 4 buns vaccinated against myxo and rhd so thankfully!
I'm like a monster at home to my family I warned them not to step food in the house with shoes or jackets or anything.
The bunnies haven't even been running around my back garden just until the 3 weeks after vaccination is finished In fact I think they live inside since they live to eat my wood😂


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