Silas took a downturn towards the worst, one day he's walking, the next he can't walk. And it just went downhill from there. I believe he probably had an underlying cancer, organ failure (thinking kidney), bone issues... all of the above probably. He had come to me at the age of two (or more), so I don't know what happened those first years.. all I know is that I loved having him as my little (big) bun-child and I took care of him the best I could and it's so quiet without him in my room any longer..
Being someone who looks at quality over quantity, yesterday (April 4th) I had to make the hard decision to put Silas to sleep... he was in pain all day, and all the day before... and kind of out of it. He'd really gone downhill and was Not himself. He kept spasming and kicking his feet when he wanted to drink or eat, which was new.. I did a lot for him, everything I could, and he was not improving at all. (Note: A vet had come over before his end and had told me I was doing an amazing job and everything she would have suggested. Still wish I could have done more but at this point whatever age-related illness he had was very likely terminal.)

^One of the last set of pictures I took of him.^
I couldn't let him suffer like that any longer and I didn't feel he was strong enough to go through a treatment that would likely not help him in the end anyway. I couldn't put him through that, I couldn't try to keep him alive for my own benefit when he was suffering... I mean, when I picked him up to put him in a basket to take him to the vet he started doing what looked like seizing.. it was rough. But I had kept him comfortable and happy until the end.
It was his time... but I will miss my boy so much.. he was such a good boy and making this decision was incredibly difficult..
Rest well Silas, you were an amazing bunny and I loved you so much... I hope he loved his years with me.. he got lots of love and attention.. lots of treats (but not too much obviously!), large bunny salads every night... and a bunch'a friends. He's leaving a big hole in my heart but I feel pretty comfortable, yet sad, about the final decision. I'll always remember my sweet big boy.

Please wish Solara well, she had a hard time when Sabriel passed and went through a bout of gas, and I don't know how she will respond to Silas's loss. She's the last one left. I might entertain the thought of another bunny, there's a cute one I like at the local rabbit rescue. I'm not ready quite yet though- we will see how Solara feels. I just know she's happier with a rabbit-friend and I will do what I have to if that time comes..

^This is the last picture I have of them together.^
I had to separate them in the end for Silas's safety.
This is rough, and it will take me a long time to heal. I'm still healing from Sabriel's loss. At least they are together now.

Solara and I will miss them dearly.