Resolved-something's wrong with Rory

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tonyshuman wrote:
My Muffin will breathe really fast (also a Holland--maybe something with their noses?) when you hold her, when she's really tired, or when she's kinda nervous but pretending to be relaxed.

Merlin...ahem, I mean Mermie (hehe) will breathe really fast sometimes too, mostly when he's binkying about but I have noticed that he does breathe MUCH faster in generalthan Oliver my previous bunny and Marina the new bunny.

I hope Rory-kins is feeling much cooler:cool:now. I'm sending good vibes your way.........
SnowyShiloh wrote:
We don't have any fans, I could pick one up tomorrow though if need be. Do I need to worry about him getting a draft?

It really sounds like he's hot and is trying to cool down.
Breathing through their nose when they're hot will causetheir nose to lookrunny.

Set the fan up so it's not blowing directly on him. The idea is to keep the air circulating. You can put the frozen water bottles in front of the fan to help cool the air.:biggrin2:

Updates when you can,please!
Ugh. It's nice and cool tonight, but his nose is still running. It's actually running a little more, AND we've heard him sneeze 3 times over the past few hours. At least he isn't really breathing fast now and he's acting pretty normal, except he wants nothing to do with me and runs away. How odd. I'm going to call the vet in the morning and schedule an appointment. I wonder if Skyler has pasteurella and it was spread to Rory :( I wish my bunnies were healthy... :(:(:(
:(Rory, quit worrying your momma! It's so frustrating and stressful to have any one of your bunnies sick, but having more than one at a time is enough to make anyone go mad:pullhair:. Don't worry, Shiloh I just know Rory will be fine especially with you as his mommy. Good luck at the vet, and if you need to talk or "vent" to anyone I'm here for you.

Good Luck Rory! Sending good vibes and prayers your way....
:kiss:Bunny Kisses for Roryfrom Merlin
Aw. Rory I was really hoping you were just hotor nervous from the storm.:cry2Rory, please stop worrying your mom andact like yourself. No sneezing and no runny nose. It's always better tobe cautious though, in my opinion, and I'd take him to the vet.
Just wanted to add here, I often take Hershey out hiking w/ me. When we get back in the car, he sleeps on my lap on the way home. He often breathes fast (until the air conditioning cools us down!). He also usually had his face right by my arm and I can feel that his breathe is condensating on my arm. At first I thought he was drooling or had a running nose!

You can try wrapping the cold pack with a thin cloth. Maybe he just doesn't like it THAT cold! lol!

Just another 2 cents to consider! How is he doing now?

Ror has an appointment at 11:20 tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, our regular vet isn't available until next week, so we'll be seeing a vet we've never seen before. She doesn't have a whole lot of experience with rabbits, but I have no choice. Why can't there be more vets familiar with rabbits? :grumpy: Sorry for whining! And thanks everyone for your kind thoughts. Good news is that his nose is barely running at the moment and I haven't heard him sneeze since last night. Maybe he caught a little cold or was allergic to something outside? If he seems fine tomorrow, should I still take him in, or wait until our regular vet is available next week?

For some reason I feel guilty that my buns have been ill lately. To make us feel better, I placed a $150 order with Busy Bunny :shock: My boys will be rolling in toys and delicious treats soon! Busy Bunny started carrying Oxbow Bunny Basics, so I ordered a 5 pound bag. I hope they like it! I also bought them a play yard the other day so they can play outside without being on a leash, and I'm considering buying a second play yard and joining them so they have even more space.
I'm kinda in the same boat as you, Shiloh. Marina's nose has stopped (knocks on wood)looking yellowyand I haven't heard her sneeze but I'm tempted to take her in anyways. I THOUGHT I heard Merlie sneeze or something tonight but I may have been hearing things. UGH. These bunnies need to quit doing this to their mommas! I canceled with Tim tonightso I could stay home and make sure Merlie doesn't make that noise again. If she does I'm just gonna cry.:(

I love Busy Bunny! Hope to see some pics and videos of your bun kids playing with all their new stuff! I found another cool site, it's called They have great toys!!!I too bought a ex-pen for the bunners to play in, and then got an extension set for it. It's horribly hot right now ALL the time so I haven't had them out in it in a while. They tire so quickly from this heat and humidity. I used to take cardboard boxes and put them out on the grass inside the pen. Merlie LOVED it!!

If you do take Rory in, good luck and I'll keep my fingers crossed for both of you!!:)

I'm so sorry, Shiloh. Poor bunnies. Could you maybe do some printouts of Randy's posts on Pasturella and take them with you? Or, I could send you some that I have, so you don't have to search them. Maybe it would help the new vet make a good decision on a med that will work and not waste your time and money? Let me know if you want what I have, I'll send it right to you!;)

Best of luck tomorrow!
Shiloh (and Bunbunbinkie),

I am on the side of taking your buns to the vet even if they "seem" better. I made the mistake with Stewart of waiting... Because he seemed okay and because he'd "gotten over" it before (and truthfully at the time I was bunny-ignorant and not seeing a bunny-savvy vet).

Making the choice to not take him in meant that by the time I decided I needed to we were in an emergency situation...and he did not make it...

The good thing that came out of it is that my cat-vet practice FINALLY referred me to a bunny-savvy vet. That has meant that my 4 buns now get the best in care they can.

For me, if I can afford the visit, I feel that it is worth paying to hear the vet say it is nothing then to wait and find myself having to pay for more drastic medical intervention or lose the animal.

I know how it stinks to feel like you are on and endless merry-go-round of animal health issues. We've been there and are likely to find ourselves there soon with our aging cat population.

With that said, Shiloh, you know Rory. You can judge if a week would be okay to wait. And you know what you are comfortable with and can afford.

I will be thinking of you and anxious to hear how Rory is doing!

~Mary Ellen
Do you know of any other vets at any other clinics that see rabbits ?

I agree that seeing a non rabbit saavy vet can be depressing but then again she may still be able to do a culture or give him an antibiotic until you see your regular vet.

You can always look the antibiotic up on medi-rabbit or post here to check if it is a good drug for buns.
probably should go....
I don't know why, but I don't get email notifications for this thread! I'm sorry! :(

Good luck at the vets in the morning.... I really hope that even if they aren't rabbit-savvy they can still help, and that Rory's ok!


You can read about it in Skyler's thread, but this morning I had to choose between bringing Rory or Skyler to the vet. Rory's nose had stopped running and I was really worried about Skyler, and after asking the vet, we decided Sky's "illness" was potentially more serious. Turns out that Skyler is just fine and Rory's nose started running again by the time I got home from work tonight :grumpy: At least it's still clear and I haven't heard him sneeze yet. The earliest appointment we could get with his regular vet is for NEXT Friday, as in a week from now... I'm going to call back in the morning though and see if we can't bump it up by several days! Poor Ror, I don't love Skyler more than him or anything (truth be told, I'm more attached to Rory, my bond with Skyler is still growing), but I feel guilty for picking Sky over Rory.
Ror's nose is still running, mucus is still clear. He still has his appetite and has been acting the same, though he seems to have gotten over his dislike of me and let me pet him and hold him tonight! I'm a little concerned that he might not be drinking as much water as he should, but it could just be me imagining things. I'll be keeping a close eye on it. Also, it's a little warm tonight and he's breathing faster again and lying down when not eating and exploring. The warmth doesn't seem to bother Sky, but his coat is much thinner- Rory is quite the poof ball! So I set up the fan I bought him the other night, it's located a couple feet from his cage and is set on low. It's one of those oscillating fans, so it isn't just blowing air in his cage the whole time. It also only blows air on the upper two levels, he can go to the bottom of the cage if he wants to get away from it. So far he doesn't seem to like the fan though, he moved down stairs as soon as it started blowing on him! I hope he figures out that it will help keep him cool.
I'm glad Rory seems to be acting fine. Penny was laying down like that again this morning after running around and was breathing faster. I think the heat affects her more than it does my other one. This morning she stretched out in front of the vent while the a/c was on. There's a pic on my blog at the end, she does look a bit like Rory when she does that.
I'm sorry to report that Rory's nose is running still tonight. It wasn't running this morning, though. I haven't heard him sneeze in a couple days, either, so I suppose that's a good sign! His appointment isn't until Friday, I might try to change it to Wednesday morning, except he wouldn't get to see our regular bunny vet then.
Maybe you could call the vet office and ask if they could fit you in somewhere before fri with the bunny vet or maybe they could call you if they have a cancellation. ..
I'm sorry that his nose is runny again!
Shiloh, how is Rory doing now? I'm sorry I didn't reply, I don't know why I'm not getting notifications for this thread, everything else is fine! :?

Is he still being mad at you?

Jen xx