RESOLVED: Reddish/orange urine

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Hi, I noticed this morning that Daisy Mae & Winston's urine looks Orange/Reddish. It's not blood.

We haven't changed their food at all. They get the odd blueberry (haven't had them for a few days) also they get pumpkin every 3- 4 days. They haven't had pumpkin for about 4 days now.

Any ideas? Thanks.


From what I have read the color of red/orange urine is normal. This is from the book House Rabbit Handbook and A House Rabbit Primer. Let me see if I can find the exact sentence. Alright here is what it says:

"Rabbit urine is normally colored anywhere along a gradient from pale yellow, dark yellow, orange, brownish to red. Teh color comes from pigments in the food a rabbit consumes or from medications such as antiobiotics and is nothing to worry about. Some new owners worry when they see red urine, thinking it is blood. Blood in the urine is relatively rare in rabbits and red color is more than likely from pigment. If excretion of red urine continues over three or four days, however, or if the urine is pinkish rather than reddish you many wish to check with your veternarian." Credit A House Rabbit Primer.

Note: I hope I am allowed to type a part of the book but if not then Mods please feel free to remove this.

it's fine to type a part of a book as long as you give credit to the author and name the book or if you can't remember where you read's OK to say that you read it somewhere but can't remember where..
I just typed an excerpt from kathy Smith's new book in the nutrition and behavior section.:)
I've wondered the same thing, though my question is how long is orange urine okay? I mean, if it is consistantly the same orange, should I get worried? For weeks?
It's normally only for a day or so, due to diet. It normally subsides and goes back to normal. Sometimes, it can be chalky looking too, before the orange color. It's all about diet. Looking out for what doesn't agree with your bun is the thing you want to watch out for.:)

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