RESOLVED: MY little baby is dieing!! Plz help!!advice!Snuffles!

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I've changed the header on this thread so that folks will know that the rabbit in the first post passed away.

hopntailrabbitry wrote:
Nobody ever tells me that I don't care for my my animals ordon't bring them to the vet! Atleast hes better and I atleast havetalked to a vet of what he had and she said your lucky that you caughtthe early signs of snuffles. So there! Don't think that I didn't takehim to a vet at all!!! Atleast I asked a vet what he had and she saidsnuffles but atleast you caught the early signs of it.

So, don't being telling me I don't care for them! I spend a lot ofmoney for my rabbits. So don't be telling me I don't take care of them.
I dont think anyone was suggesting that you dont care for your bunnies.The people who said "take your bunny to the vet" were speaking tolovethetailyall regarding her rabbit who just passed.
I'm ever so sorry about your bunny. He was a cutie. He will not be forgotten and allways in your heart.

But here's a home tip for any one whith a rabbit whith a cold and has vet/money/transportation issues.
Last year, I was very low on money and only did side-jobs. I have adisability that disables me from driving. In order to get myrabbit to the vet, I needed transportation which was hard to find. Forthe time being, I did it the "momma's way." Natural Anti-Biotics -Vitamen C and anti-toxiants(Spelling.) - even though it's not effectiveas a vet anti-biotic, this is a way to keep their bodies revived andimmunity still hangin' in there.

Give the Rabbit safe fruit that is high in Vitamen C - like types ofCitrus. Oranges and Grape Fruit for example. Do not fully replace theirpellets whith the fruit!! That can cause squishy poop!! You can alsogive them a 100% pure fruit or vegetable juice(Not whith corn syrup orartifitual flavors.).


Yes see thats what i did..i couldent get to thevet so i used vitemin C...I new it wouldent cure them butgive them a boost to maby help fight it!
You are a good bunny owner.

I know it's hard, but don't try to blame your self, keep your chin up. That can develope depression.
This type of stuff happens. If you happen to not any help like money ortransportation to a vet, and your pet all of a sudden gets an illness -some times it too late. You tried your best, and you didn't give up andthat's great of you!! You truely loved your bunny.
Trust me, my life is extremely hard. I just turned 20 and I still livewhith my parents. Even having a job - I have to pay for taxi becuaseI'm not allowed to drive due to my disability. My job doesn't pay goodas I thought either - but it's the only thing I could find becuase allof these darn communist overflowing. Last year, I got dirtpoor, and my buns caught illnesses - and side-jobswere not good enough. My parents cannot help becuase they work 12 hoursa day - and their my responsibilty. I wouldn't be surprizedif Cocoa died at that time. I knew it was almost hopeless and Icouldn't look at him whith out crying(He had an eye infection, I didn'tlike to see his runny eyes.). But I didn't give up and gave himnaterual anti-biotics. His eye infection would go on and off- even when I took him to the vet a few months ago and it cleared up abit - it came back - and worser.
I actually made a home made caskstic for him - cause I really was giving up.
Things turned out brighter though. Even though there is a possibleallergy - cause I occassional see some tears and hear a sneeze.

It's not lazyness, it's not on purpose, and it's not a mistake - youtried your best and unfourtuantly it was too late, and should beunderstood by others clearly.

You know - I also use natural remedies at timesand I frequently talk to fellow breeders about problems that mightarise in my herd.

But the fact is - many times using "natural" methods can mask somethingthat NEEDS vet attention. In the case of "snuffles" - it can be hard totreat without a culture to see what is causing it. If you don't treatit correctly - you risk not only your bunny's life - but the life ofany other rabbits you have and the life of any other rabbits you comeinto contact with.

Got a friend with a bunny? Well guess what...maybe you exposed IT to what your rabbit has if you didn't take precautions.

What upset me in this case (this particular thread) was that the rabbitthat this thread was written about - could have been saved. Iknow - I've had six rabbits with wry neck and treated them (withoutseeing a vet). Right now they all have some head tilt to them still -but they are all getting better over time. (I did talk to a vet aboutthem - don't think I didn't call a vet - but the vet said she'd have todo research as she thought maybe we should just put them down if theymight be suffering...).

The products that could have saved this rabbit would probably have beenless than $20 - and if you had a breeder nearby who does preventitivetreatment of their herd - you might have been able to get what youneeded for FREE.

Anyway, to get back to my point ~ and as I said, I'm writing this fromthe perspective from someone who does use "old fashioned remedies"...

There are times when we can treat something with vitamin C or somethinglike that and MASK the symptoms and the rabbit may appear to gethealthy but still have a problem. Or perhaps we can treat it and theproblem gets worse but since we're treating it with vitamin C...wethink, "Oh...I'm doing enough."

Snuffles isn't something to play around with - neither is head tilt -which is what it sounds like this rabbit had (also called wry neck).

I don't mean to sound like I'm saying folks shouldn't use naturalremedies or that vitamin C isn't good. But there are times when itisn't enough and intervention by a vet is needed.

I had a hard time with the loss of the rabbit in this thread - I criedabout it a lot. I wish I had seen it earlier (about the head tilt) asit is treatable and this animal could still be alive today with someintervention. I've seen head tilt at its worst - with the rabbitrolling and unable to sit up....and I've seen rabbits pull out of it.


Editing comments to add this:

One of my concerns is that someone who is new to rabbits might readthis thread and see the comments about vitamin C and go "Oh...if myrabbit is sick...I don't need to go to the vet...I can just give itvitamin C" - only their rabbit may have a serious problem and NEED tosee a vet.

This is why many times we as mods and the other forum members willencourage people to go see a vet ~ because there may be something therethat NEEDS to be seen and while we might have treated something like itat home - maybe what we treated wasn't as bad as what someone elsehas....

There's nothing that can be done now, I'm verysorry for your loss.:( Hopefully something good will come of this andyou will know to go straight to the vets in the future if you are everin another situation like this.
Very beautifully and accurately put, Peg.

I think this whole situation will really serve to help others in thefuture. I'm so sorry it involved you losing your baby,though...:(

My love to you and yours,

Snuffles wrote:
bunsterlove1969 wrote:
juicyjuicee wrote:
I'm sorrybut I really think more could have been done for this animal.

Totally agree. I personally would be concerned about keeping pets if i wasnt in a position to get them to vets if needed :?


Agreed as well. This is why I would not recommendlovethetailyall to open a rabbit rescue as she had initially posted afew weeks ago - this is a good example of something that can come upquite often with bunnys you rescue. Rescued bunnies WILL needa vet as many of them are malnourished and will come to you withmedical issues. I just want to restate what everyone hasalready stated in other threads - that you should not be rescuingrabbits if you have no means to give them proper medical care.

I'm sorry you had to lose your little one.

I dont think anyone's comments were harsh and Iknowtheywere meant to emphasize the need for aresponsible owner to seek veterinary care in these types of situations.She can hopefully takethis as an unfortunate andterriblelesson learned,so as to not make the samemistake in the future.

But I think the point has been made and we should allow her to grieve in piece.
Yes..thank..truly i am trying to get over thishole siduation and i ceep comeing back to this topic to see if enyoneelse has told me stufff i already know and understand...Nobody knowshow much me and many people loved this little boy..well i told freindsand family they all cryed...i made a guy cry...ok..i just think thatthis topic could have been closed long ago beuse truly i dont want tohear any more...:sad:
I apologize - you are correct, I did not need to add to the conversation.

Take care.
