RESOLVED: MY little baby is dieing!! Plz help!!advice!Snuffles!

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If you pm one of the mods with your location inOntario, maybe we can help you locate a vet within a reasonabledistance? I drive past dozens of local vets to get to my vet, who is 30miles away, but its worth it.
my naboor is a vary nice guy and has helped usout loads of times.He has helped us in sticky siduations and he knowswhat he is talking about..i trust him beuse i know him personlly and heis a good friend of the family;)
Im not questioning him as a person, Im just saying that he's not a vet and your bunny needs something more than vitamin c.
Your neighbor may know a lot about rabbits -butmany many wry neck rabbits have been saved even when things look bad. Ihave treated six rabbits that had wry neck and they are active andhealthy now - one is doing laps around her play area today.

Please do not let this little one just die...there is no need for that.

How is she doing with eating/drinking/pooping? Iknow a lot of bunnies with head tilt have a lot of trouble doing thesenormal activities. The main thing for now is to make sure sheis eating and drinking. If she cannot hold her head upright,you may have to use a syringe to get some food/water into her.
Poor little baby, I really hope you can find a local vet in case something like this happens in the future.

Binky free little guy :cry4::pink iris::rainbow:
Sorry for your loss... poor bunny.

Please, I hope you use this as knowledge to know next time somethinglike this happens, to please get your rabbit to a vet instead of takingadvice from an unknowing neighbor. Vitamin C should've never beengiven, antibiotics are what were needed.

Again, sorry for your loss.
My one bunny had snuffles and he was only 2months old and I didn't take him to the vet, I treated it myself and itworked just fine. I used a product Called RabbitRX, it helps withsnuffles.

Good luck

Hop N'Tail Rabbitry
With all due respect, snuffles requires medical attention and antibiotics, not OTC "remedies."

I don't mean to sound harsh, but you were fortunate!
RabbitRX is for MILD upper respiratoryinfections. It's very weak and works against nothing more than theslightest sneeze. If your rabbit had snuffles, he'd be dead. Snufflesis a bad infection that requires antibiotics (and a diagnosis by avet...), not something like RabbitRX.
A lot of people (and vets) use "Snuffles" as a catch-all term for any type of respiratory problem/cough/runny nose.

As MBH said, it was probably a very mild case that you caught early. Most chronic respiratory problems require an antibiotic.
Yea,but hey I was pretty darn lucky that Icatched it early. :D And when he gotten better it was onChristmas Eve and I named him Miracle. But he is soooooospolied!!!!

Hop N'Tail Rabbitry
This is very sad doesn't sound like you canget to a vet if your parents aren't home. Haley is right that there istx for headtilt but it isn't vitamin c.

I picked up a book at farm and fleet about raising rabbits ( meatrabbits??) and they mentioned medications and other things that I neverheard of before.

If you can get someone that your parents or you know to take you to a town vet it might really help the rabbit.
Nobody ever tells me that I don't care for my myanimals or don't bring them to the vet! Atleast hes better and Iatleast have talked to a vet of what he had and she said your luckythat you caught the early signs of snuffles. So there! Don't think thatI didn't take him to a vet at all!!! Atleast I asked a vet what he hadand she said snuffles but atleast you caught the early signs of it.

So, don't being telling me I don't care for them! I spend a lot ofmoney for my rabbits. So don't be telling me I don't take care of them.