Flashy wrote:
There are very few rabbits on this forum that I really look for and Dotty is one of those (probably because I want one of my own) and I just love her, and would hate for anything to happen to her. You're doing a great job, and I know the stress is also probably adding to your dizziness, but you really are doing great, Yes, it is horrid when they are not with us, but sometimes continually reminding ourselves that they are in the best place can help. A bit, lol.
Aww, thank you so much Tracy :hug: It was really a comfort to read that. I think I've just had a majorly crappy day today as well as with all this, and it's just hit me that it's been over 3 days now. I think that I'm also freaking out because when I was looking up Zantac last night online I came across another story on a different forum about a bun who was in stasis, for a good few days, and was hospitalised, but didn't improve, and they let her go to the bridge in the end :cry2 It's really been playing on my mind and I know I have to stop thinking about it because it's really not healthy, but I can't help worrying that Dotty might go that way....
My dizziness is terrible but I would take it 10x worse if it meant that she was better and healthy!
It's funny you should say that about eating when we're not looking- because when we went out earlier we made a mental note of all the veggies in her bowl, how her pile of hay looked, and what her water level was. When we came back I went straight upstairs to see if it had changed, and it hadn't, apart from one stem of basil had disappeared from the floor. I have always thought the opposite, that maybe she wasn't eating because we weren't there- she loves to eat out of our hands, and sometimes if we sit down with her in the bedroom when she gets her dinner she'll sit on our laps and eat it! I'd been worrying that maybe she'd been too babied in that respect, lol. But she wont eat out of our hands or anything at all at the moment.
I made a 'smoothie' of basil, carrot tops, lots of water, and some oats, and syringed her about 20ml of it. She seemed to find it quite tasty, and took it easier than the critical care, which she also got. She also got another 5ml of fibreplex and 20ml of water. Her face is all green, the colour of pesto now lol...
We tried some of the old pellets and she wasn't interested. Just a few, but she pushed them away. She DID however eat a few oats out of Steve's hand, but she got bored of them very quickly...
We're going to go feed her some more in an hour, and if I'm awake in the night I'll feed her some more as well. I'm going to give it everything we've got to try and ensure she doesn't have to be admitted tomorrow....