I am in desperate need of a home for a bunny! Long story short, around January, we got two male bunnies that were from subsequent litters. They got along wonderfully until they hit puberty and began fighting like mad and became very destructive. Around that time, I found a white mini rex bunny in our neighbor's backyard. We took him in, hoping to find his owner. I put up signs, contacted vets, but no luck. No one called.
My rabbits were not happy with the new addition and their behavior got even worse. We had them in seperate rooms, but they still "knew". Then we had to move them out of my daughter's room (they were keeping her up) and into the living room. This is the only room in our tiny apartment with room, so the "new" bunny was in there also, but in a seperate cage of course. When I let my rabbits out for exercise (not the new and old bunnies at the same time) there would be a lot of spraying and aggression. In July I had my two males neutered, I could not afford to fix all three. This helped tremendously with the fighting between them, and they are now bonded again.
But the new bunny is still just miserable.
He is just so terrified. The cage we have him in is rather small, and we can't afford to replace it. It was the largest rabbit cage that the pet store carried, but still not big enough. He spends hours rattling the bars. :tears2: I can't let him out for exercise too often because it causes so much stress to my other bunnies. He circles their cages and poops everywhere.
Last night I decided that he's going to have to live outside until I can find him a home. The hutch we have is rather large and he just had to have more space. It was never really used before because there is a cat that would stalk the bunnies whenever we were out there. I put a tarp over the cage so it doesn't get too hot and hopefully the cat won't notice him as much. Every time I go out there to check on him, he is sitting on top of the "hiding" box. I put out fresh veggies last night ad he still hasn't touched them!! I just don't know what to do. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we are not even supposed to have pets in this apartment. I have 2 young children, a very tiny place, and just don't have the resources to give him what he needs. I have called every single rabbit rescue and shelter in the area. No one will take him. I'm afraid to place an add for someone to adopt him, because of all of the horror stories I have read about how badly rabbits are treated. I live in Southern California (Orange County) and if anyone here knows of a safe place for him I would be so grateful! TIA~
ETA bunny is a white mini rex with blue eyes. His eyes have black fur circling them. He is completely litter trained while in his cage.
My rabbits were not happy with the new addition and their behavior got even worse. We had them in seperate rooms, but they still "knew". Then we had to move them out of my daughter's room (they were keeping her up) and into the living room. This is the only room in our tiny apartment with room, so the "new" bunny was in there also, but in a seperate cage of course. When I let my rabbits out for exercise (not the new and old bunnies at the same time) there would be a lot of spraying and aggression. In July I had my two males neutered, I could not afford to fix all three. This helped tremendously with the fighting between them, and they are now bonded again.
But the new bunny is still just miserable.
Last night I decided that he's going to have to live outside until I can find him a home. The hutch we have is rather large and he just had to have more space. It was never really used before because there is a cat that would stalk the bunnies whenever we were out there. I put a tarp over the cage so it doesn't get too hot and hopefully the cat won't notice him as much. Every time I go out there to check on him, he is sitting on top of the "hiding" box. I put out fresh veggies last night ad he still hasn't touched them!! I just don't know what to do. Oh, and I forgot to mention that we are not even supposed to have pets in this apartment. I have 2 young children, a very tiny place, and just don't have the resources to give him what he needs. I have called every single rabbit rescue and shelter in the area. No one will take him. I'm afraid to place an add for someone to adopt him, because of all of the horror stories I have read about how badly rabbits are treated. I live in Southern California (Orange County) and if anyone here knows of a safe place for him I would be so grateful! TIA~
ETA bunny is a white mini rex with blue eyes. His eyes have black fur circling them. He is completely litter trained while in his cage.