Well-Known Member
Any updates on the Adults and Babies?
Did you fastforward that video? They made me dizzy with all of their moving and popcorning. Lol
Wonder if they could get a booth in a quieter area of the flea market. Doesn't sound like it was in a good spot especially for animals hoping to find a good home. Think I would have been terrified too, & I'm not a bunny! I'm a human and the loud noise/music blaring in my ears does not relax me & gets on my nerves after awhile. I hope you can find them all good, loving homes. Oh, do you have a flyer of care & other helpful information for the new bunny parents? Being in a flea market it seems there would be allot of people just looking around & making impulse buys so they would at least need a care sheet with helpful info. Also, I would have a brochure/info sheet with each bunny with this web site as a resource for new bunny parents to ask questions & meet other bunny people. Wishing you and all your bunnies the best in finding wonderful families for each of them! They are so cute wish I could take one or two!
You know I am interested! In a wee little male bunnyAnd we always love updates.
Do you want one of the 5 week old babies, It looks like there are 3 males. The red and white, and the two black and white.
They will be 6 weeks next Friday.
Yeah.... just have to get another cage! plus Chive needs to get fixed, so I might have to wait for another litter... *sigh*