Well-Known Member
Dang, thanks Gypsy. I couldn't understand a thing they wrote. :disgust:
I've never gotten a warning either! I've definitely hadsurprises from the Dept. of Ag. At the first store I managed,I had only experienced the Dog Law Officer when I took overmanagement. When the guy for birds/small animals/reptilescame in, I looked at him like he was nuts. (It didn't helpmatters that I had gone to high school with his daughter and we weren'texactly friends.) I've always passed inspection though.**"The trouble is if they do do checksthey usually inform the owner before hand, and make anappointment, this way the owners have time to clean up andsort things out. STUPID I know "**
Hey NO fairI didnt get any phonecall yesterday when theAG dept came for inspection , BTW Ipassed with flying colors andsuch 98% whohoooo , could havegiven me back my 2 pointsfor the securitycamera install next week tho . lol , Theway I see it is IF you havenothing nasty hanging on youyou shouldnt need a warningphone call , and allinspections should be done witha no call ,no warning aspect . Thatway The AG dept can correctand shut down whenever necessary ,JMO but I truely dontmind surprise inspections , and anyonein this buisness shouldnteither .