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Good job, Onnie! I am going throughthe same thing with a local feed store here. I am going backtomorrow to take a look and see if anything has been done.You go get em, Tiger ;)

Can I add, Thanks for the translation, Gypsy! HA!Who would care anyway if a horrible shop like that bannedthem!? I know I don't want to buy anything from that terriblefeed store that neglected their bunnies, ducks and dogs! :D

Agreed Kricketbut only to a point on thatgetting banned isnt a big deal BUT ifsuch a thing were to happen I would haveto insit on storming my way in at therisk of being arrested , just tomake sure it wasnt happeningagain . my theory is : goahead call the police makemy millenium . And ifsituation is still remainingguess who goes down , thetresspass fine would be wellworth the aggravation .
gypsy wrote:
**"The trouble is if they do do checksthey usually inform the owner before hand, and make anappointment, this way the owners have time to clean up andsort things out. STUPID I know "**

Hey NO fairI didnt get any phonecall yesterday when theAG dept came for inspection , BTW Ipassed with flying colors andsuch 98% whohoooo , could havegiven me back my 2 pointsfor the securitycamera install next week tho . lol , Theway I see it is IF you havenothing nasty hanging on youyou shouldnt need a warningphone call , and allinspections should be done witha no call ,no warning aspect . Thatway The AG dept can correctand shut down whenever necessary ,JMO but I truely dontmind surprise inspections , and anyonein this buisness shouldnteither .
I've never gotten a warning either! I've definitely hadsurprises from the Dept. of Ag. At the first store I managed,I had only experienced the Dog Law Officer when I took overmanagement. When the guy for birds/small animals/reptilescame in, I looked at him like he was nuts. (It didn't helpmatters that I had gone to high school with his daughter and we weren'texactly friends.) I've always passed inspection though.

I have to agree that I would go storming in if someone bannedme. It's actually almost impossible to ban someone from apublic place anyway unless they have stolen from you.


Dutch lover you can kiss my welsh:moon:how dareyou come on this site and be so heartless and rude'animals have theright to live a happy dignified life you obviously don't give a damnabout animals so do your self a favour and get off this site'oh dearyou've been banned shame.I will carry on fighting for these animalsuntill something is done. Sorry members i'm very angry :growl::mad:

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