remodeling our Bunny Condo so each bunny has a good size to live in

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
Does any one have pictures or instructions on howto remodela bunny cage. We have seperated the tworascals as they started to fight last weekend after Wilbur was a littleunder the weather. We put them in the original cages whichare a decent size for baby bunnies, butI feel theyare too small for our Lop eared (they weigh about 7lbs each).

The cage we built, out of NIC cubes is4 across&2 deep, & 3 wideit has a 2nd floorthat goes around the outside ofcage and a 3rd floor of 4cubes on the right hand side. We have to make two cages outof the one. We realize we will probably have to add more areafor them but we really don't eant to take the whole thing apart.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Buck, thanks for the info. Wow their arealot of neat looking cages out there.

My two little ones (actually they are pretty big and pretty spoilt).I only wish they'd be friends again so we don't have torenovate. But I keep telling my husband the cages they are innow are pretty small, however looking at some of the cages I just sawthe ones they are in are a fair size.

I guess I feel bad for them as they use to have the run of theirbedroom but since they have been fighting we have to cage them whilewere at work.

Thanks again


I built this one a couple of days ago:



It has 1 1/2 floors :)
Very nice, how many bunnies do you have? We have 3 very cute ones.

I've tried to post pictures but it says they are too big so it won't post them.


SOOSKA: a quick lesson on posting photos>

Go to a hosting site. I use Upload a photo, then clickhost it. After the photo is hosted, you have four choices on the bottomof the page. Shade the IMG file with your mouse, right click your mouseand choose copy. Open up another browser window to the forum topost your photo. Right click your mouse again and choose paste.Click preview on the bottom of your message and your photo shouldshow in the preview. If your are happy, then go ahead and click send.You can paste multiple IMG files in one message. Just keep hittingpreview. Just remember, once you hit send, it's there forever!

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