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TinysMom wrote:

............I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven...............
i agree very much with this^. I'm Church of Christ, Baptized, go to church every Sunday, etc. i love church, sunday's my fave day of the week, all us kids are super close like siblings, it's just great:biggrin2:
I'm Catholic but I don't go to church as large groups of people make me really uneasy. I do love to help out and do what God did. Although he confuses me alot.. and hasn't been very nice to me .. I love him. :p

I don't really go with God's rules, and commandments but I try.. lol.

But I've grown up with every religion belives in (mostly) the same thing and it doesnt matter what you are you're still the children of God and he still looks out for non-belivers.

Hehe, I also go to a catholic school.Err... I do catholic work. Lol there we go.

Im a atheist, was raised with no religion same as my Mum, my Dad was raised a catholic but he had a pretty screwed up life and I think how he was raised he thought a lot of the messages conflicted with what he was taught at church. I've been to Destiny church once when I was 11, and i'm not going back. I'm not saying all churches are like this but I didn't believe with how it was run. There was a REALLY poor samoan family who was handing over a large portion of their money when they needed it yet their leader lived l a life of luxury with launches and multi million dollar homes.
TinysMom wrote:
I'm what many would call an "Evangelical Christian" - meaning - I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven. I have a lot of beliefs....but I think many would say I don't "push" them on others. If they're brought up - I'll talk about them. If I'm asked - I'll answer. But - it is not my place to judge others and tell them "you're wrong". Its my place to live out my faith for my own life.

The only thing I ask of others is that when they talk about Christians - they don't lump us all together. Some are radical and do things I'd never believe in or support.
Sounds like me!
EileenH wrote:
We became Episcopalian about 5 year ago. The traditions are the same, but it's not as strict. To me, it was important that gay people and divorced people be able to celebrate with us (I'm not gay, I'm married, but I have quite a few gay friends and it was important to me).
I feel like I fit there.
Ohh I like that!
pinksalamander wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
I'm a non-practising Roman Catholic, I'm baptised and made my communion, confirmation just to please my nana and some other realtions who wouldn't talk to us if we didn't. We don't pray, go to mass or believe in God. Basically atheists but with a catholic title lol.
See, that's the exact reason I'm not Christened. A lot of people (not my family, but friends etc) couldn't understand when my parents said they weren't going to christen me. A lot of people looked down on my parents because they weren't doing what is 'normal', even from non religious people. It was seen as the 'done thing'. The reason I'm not christened is mainly my Dad. He refused to stand up in a church and say that he believed in God and would bring me to church every Sunday when he knew he wouldn't and it was a lie.

Obviously you are probably fine with it but in my situation I would be so annoyed if I had to go through that. I just couldn't go through all that protocol for something I don't believe in. I just couldn't stand up and say I believed in God when I didn't. I'm so glad my parents feel the same way!

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Hey that was me too!
My believes are there is no afterlife, I'm sorry but I can't believe what's written in a book with no proof. I do believe there was a Jesus, but he was not the son of God, he was probably a man who was probably a very good doctor and public speaker, that's how he won people over, sort of like a non-evil Hitler, since Hitler won over so many people through public speaking. I believe Mary was the mother of Jesus but either had an affair or was raped and came up with the brilliant son of god idea to save herself from being stoned. I believe the earth and life is here through evolution and I believe people don't have to have a faith to be good people, being a good person has got more to do with your upbringing.
So that's my religion. :)
I don't really know what I am. I think my mom is Lutheran because on Christmas we go to the Lutheran church. I have also been to a Christain church for Wednesday services this youth class thing. (When I was 11)

I want to be Mormon, that way I can really know for sure I will never drink and do bad things. I never have and don't plan on it. Plus I want a lot of kids and Mormon's are known for having big families.

I have been asked if I was Mormon before and I was pretty shocked when I was asked. I guess Mormons don't eat cheese?

As for my beliefs, I don't belief that God created Man. I do believe he exits and that Heaven and Hell do but I don't believe that he created Man. There is scientific proof that Man came from Ape. And as far as I'm concerned the Biblehas manymade up things in it.
Bassetluv wrote:
I was raised in an Anglican family, but I don't follow any religion. Guess you'd call me spiritual, rather than religious.

My personal tenet falls closest to something the Dalai Lama once said:

"My religion is simple. My religion is kindness."

I love that quote Bassetluv!

I think that is a great religion for anyone who doesn't know what they are or believe or doesn't know what they want to be.
I wouldn't know what I am :p. I do not believe in God. I believe VERY STRONGLY in nature and evolution.

I do, however, believe in ghosts (and fear them), as well as believing that when you go to "your own heaven"....which is a world where you get to have everything you have ever loved in life there with you, as well as cross into other people's heavens to visit....kind of like a "magic earth" with no terrible things that happen.
I am also a Pastafarian.... and non-practicing Catholic.


pinksalamander wrote:
Forgot to say I am a strong believer in pastafarianism although I am not actively involved.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
My family is Catholic. Mum is "deep" if u knwo what i mean, shes not like crazy but she believes that god will help her with things in her life, you knwo etc. dad is just well normal? lol... my sister is like my dad and my other sister isnt much of the type. (okay i totally confuse dyou ay!"

Im only 12 but im a strong Catholic person.
I was brought up as a Catholic, ad i've decided this is something i will contunie for as long as i live.
I got to Mass every saturday, I was baptisted, i have had my holy communion and i am going to have my confirmation in a few years time (mum is with the whole no confirmation until you fuly understand".

My mum or dad have never forced me to be catholic. They dont mind if i go muslim or if i decide not to be a catholic or anything else, they just make sure i do the right things in life.

but really I love being a Catholic.

There is one thing i dont agree baout being a Catholic, that some people REALLY REALLY disproves of gay people. I mean i think im too young (lol) to understand about the gay marriage, but i do think that people sholudl be able to love people form the same or opposite gender.
I dissaprove of unnecessary abortion, i htink its wrong. anyways

this explains me:

Born Catholic
Live Catholic
Die Catholic


Prisca xx
irishbunny wrote:
My believes are there is no afterlife, I'm sorry but I can't believe what's written in a book with no proof. I do believe there was a Jesus, but he was not the son of God, he was probably a man who was probably a very good doctor and public speaker, that's how he won people over, sort of like a non-evil Hitler, since Hitler won over so many people through public speaking. I believe Mary was the mother of Jesus but either had an affair or was raped and came up with the brilliant son of god idea to save herself from being stoned. I believe the earth and life is here through evolution and I believe people don't have to have a faith to be good people, being a good person has got more to do with your upbringing.
So that's my religion. :)

i disagree, but that is ur chocie:biggrin2:no hard feelings/.....:)

some times i stray as well, and i think that, i daydream in church 2! lol:biggrin2:

oh and i thought no 1 would post on this!
irishlops wrote:
irishbunny wrote:
My believes are there is no afterlife, I'm sorry but I can't believe what's written in a book with no proof. I do believe there was a Jesus, but he was not the son of God, he was probably a man who was probably a very good doctor and public speaker, that's how he won people over, sort of like a non-evil Hitler, since Hitler won over so many people through public speaking. I believe Mary was the mother of Jesus but either had an affair or was raped and came up with the brilliant son of god idea to save herself from being stoned. I believe the earth and life is here through evolution and I believe people don't have to have a faith to be good people, being a good person has got more to do with your upbringing.
So that's my religion. :)

i disagree, but that is ur chocie:biggrin2:no hard feelings/.....:)

some times i stray as well, and i think that, i daydream in church 2! lol:biggrin2:

oh and i thought no 1 would post on this!
I disagree with your believes too but I believe everyone should be free to believe what they want. :)I don't consider myself as ''straying'' I just don't believe in it, pure and simple :)
as long as no hard feelings are felt and put behind us it ok! lol

go Eoghan!
Catholic (aka cat'lic hehe). I don't practise it, only went to church when I was being babysat by my aunt who is the church going type.

Parents are Catholic and Salvation Army, I became Catholic like my father and when my brother was born he became Salvation Army like my mother. Neither of my parents are the church going, relgious type, non practising I guess ya call it. But both of their parents are/were. (I won't even get into the wholetodo my father's mother had when he told her he was marrying a non Catholic apprently that is some sort of awful thing you get sent to"basement cat"for).

I don't believe in it, don't believe in heaven or hell, god or jesus. I do, howeverbelieve in ghosts, spirits, reincarnation ect.
My family is Catholic. My mom (and my aunt and uncle) went to Catholic school growing up, but no longer go to mass. My mom didn't have me baptised or anything. She told me she didn't agree with *all* the teachings of the Catholic church and didn't want to force me to go, and that I should choose my own thing. I've never actually been to a church service of any kind.

They're all a little annoyed now, as my choice is that I'm agnostic. Bordering on atheist. I believe Jesus was a real guy. But since I have a lot of trouble believing in god, anyone being the "son of god" is out of the question for me. I also believe the Bible is just a book written by some people, it's not the Word of God. That's not to say there aren't some good things in it, but there are bad things as well.
I also know that what is written in the bible has been changed through the centuries (mostly in the days when books were all hand written) to reflect and promote political and social views of the times.

I think the biggest problem I have with organized religion is when the religious leaders use things to promote their own agendas. I also can't stand all the people who claim to be religious, and promote Jesus as loving everyone, and Thou Shalt Not Judge, but they also push agendas of hatred, against gays or people with different views. Or the people who will pick one thing out of the bible, and say, well Jesus said not to do this so I won't do it and no one else should ever do it because it goes against the bible. But they ignore a lot of other things in the bible that they don't agree with or don't care about.
I also think church is a social event. There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you're into, but it's not my scene, and I don't think people who don't go to church are bad. (I have had people tell me I will go to hell if I don't attend church. I think they are not nice people; I don't go around telling others they will go to hell. But I guess since I don't believe in hell, maybe it doesn't really matter. Still, not nice.)

In the end, my main code of conduct is Do Unto Others......
And I think the way you act and how you treat others is more important, in the end, than which holy book you read or which church you go to. (And if there were a God, it would be his job to do the judging, not mine or anyone else's)

I am a TOTAL science nerd. I'm not much good at it, but I love reading/hearing about just about anything science. I'm totally into evolution, I think it's really fascinating. Sometimes I learn something that's so cool and mind-blowing, I get a shiver down my spine. I think that must be how religious people feel about their faith, and I can appreciate that.

I am pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, as long as they aren't haters, and I appreciate the same from others.
TinysMom wrote:
I'm what many would call an "Evangelical Christian" - meaning - I believe the Bible is true - I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth to die and provide a way for us to go to heaven. I have a lot of beliefs....but I think many would say I don't "push" them on others. If they're brought up - I'll talk about them. If I'm asked - I'll answer. But - it is not my place to judge others and tell them "you're wrong". Its my place to live out my faith for my own life.

The only thing I ask of others is that when they talk about Christians - they don't lump us all together. Some are radical and do things I'd never believe in or support.
We're Christians too. God has done some awesome things in my life! And, it's great to know that there's always Someone to love me -and to know "where I'll go" when my life here is done.

You know, our life has been challenging - excruciating, bone-tiring, discouraging, andchallenging -the past few years, but I never doubt God's love for me. This place, this life, isn't the perfect place that it was in the Beginning. But, I know without ONE DOUBTwhere I will spend eternity. And THAT place is perfect!
I'm of no religion at all, neither were my parents or grandparents. I don't believe in any god(s) or heaven or hell.

Very strongly believe in evolution and "scientific" things.
BethM wrote:
My family is Catholic. My mom (and my aunt and uncle) went to Catholic school growing up, but no longer go to mass. My mom didn't have me baptised or anything. She told me she didn't agree with *all* the teachings of the Catholic church and didn't want to force me to go, and that I should choose my own thing. I've never actually been to a church service of any kind.

They're all a little annoyed now, as my choice is that I'm agnostic. Bordering on atheist. I believe Jesus was a real guy. But since I have a lot of trouble believing in god, anyone being the "son of god" is out of the question for me. I also believe the Bible is just a book written by some people, it's not the Word of God. That's not to say there aren't some good things in it, but there are bad things as well.
I also know that what is written in the bible has been changed through the centuries (mostly in the days when books were all hand written) to reflect and promote political and social views of the times.

I think the biggest problem I have with organized religion is when the religious leaders use things to promote their own agendas. I also can't stand all the people who claim to be religious, and promote Jesus as loving everyone, and Thou Shalt Not Judge, but they also push agendas of hatred, against gays or people with different views. Or the people who will pick one thing out of the bible, and say, well Jesus said not to do this so I won't do it and no one else should ever do it because it goes against the bible. But they ignore a lot of other things in the bible that they don't agree with or don't care about.
I also think church is a social event. There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you're into, but it's not my scene, and I don't think people who don't go to church are bad. (I have had people tell me I will go to hell if I don't attend church. I think they are not nice people; I don't go around telling others they will go to hell. But I guess since I don't believe in hell, maybe it doesn't really matter. Still, not nice.)

In the end, my main code of conduct is Do Unto Others......
And I think the way you act and how you treat others is more important, in the end, than which holy book you read or which church you go to. (And if there were a God, it would be his job to do the judging, not mine or anyone else's)

I am a TOTAL science nerd. I'm not much good at it, but I love reading/hearing about just about anything science. I'm totally into evolution, I think it's really fascinating. Sometimes I learn something that's so cool and mind-blowing, I get a shiver down my spine. I think that must be how religious people feel about their faith, and I can appreciate that.

I am pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, as long as they aren't haters, and I appreciate the same from others.
Wow SO MUCH of what you say reigns true with me! Except I'm open to the idea of intelligent design, but all the stuff about choosing things from the bible and being nasty to people is exactly what I don't like now. I don't get how someone can profess to be kind and loving then tell them they are going to hell for being gay, or whatever. Makes no sense to me AT ALL.

I also have an idea (I have lots of conflicting ideas) that religion is a form of helping humans understand things that were once beyond our own intelligence. 2000 years ago people didn't have the intelligence to understand the concept of science, so in lots of places religion filled in to explain the ideas. The things that happened and the stories that were told were metaphors for how science works in a way that people could understand. Kinda like a person would respect a great scientist, they respected God, or Jesus, or Allah or The Olympians or whoever they believed in!

The main reason I could never be Christian (and if it wasn't for this I probably would be) is the way the Roman Christians treated English pagans. I do not believe in paganism but I like to read a lot about it. The Christians stormed in, slaughtered many Pagans, stole their religious festivals and attempted to overshadow them with their own (Christmas being the biggest example), created the image of the Pagan god (their are two) and morphed into the devil (horns, tail etc, this is all derivative of the Pagan God of destruction), changed words like villain, which originally just meant 'villager' into negative words..... I simply could not stand for a religion that did this to people, even if its in the past I couldn't be involved in it.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny

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