My family is Catholic. My mom (and my aunt and uncle) went to Catholic school growing up, but no longer go to mass. My mom didn't have me baptised or anything. She told me she didn't agree with *all* the teachings of the Catholic church and didn't want to force me to go, and that I should choose my own thing. I've never actually been to a church service of any kind.
They're all a little annoyed now, as my choice is that I'm agnostic. Bordering on atheist. I believe Jesus was a real guy. But since I have a lot of trouble believing in god, anyone being the "son of god" is out of the question for me. I also believe the Bible is just a book written by some people, it's not the Word of God. That's not to say there aren't some good things in it, but there are bad things as well.
I also know that what is written in the bible has been changed through the centuries (mostly in the days when books were all hand written) to reflect and promote political and social views of the times.
I think the biggest problem I have with organized religion is when the religious leaders use things to promote their own agendas. I also can't stand all the people who claim to be religious, and promote Jesus as loving everyone, and Thou Shalt Not Judge, but they also push agendas of hatred, against gays or people with different views. Or the people who will pick one thing out of the bible, and say, well Jesus said not to do this so I won't do it and no one else should ever do it because it goes against the bible. But they ignore a lot of other things in the bible that they don't agree with or don't care about.
I also think church is a social event. There's nothing wrong with that, if that's what you're into, but it's not my scene, and I don't think people who don't go to church are bad. (I have had people tell me I will go to hell if I don't attend church. I think they are not nice people; I don't go around telling others they will go to hell. But I guess since I don't believe in hell, maybe it doesn't really matter. Still, not nice.)
In the end, my main code of conduct is Do Unto Others......
And I think the way you act and how you treat others is more important, in the end, than which holy book you read or which church you go to. (And if there were a God, it would be his job to do the judging, not mine or anyone else's)
I am a TOTAL science nerd. I'm not much good at it, but I love reading/hearing about just about anything science. I'm totally into evolution, I think it's really fascinating. Sometimes I learn something that's so cool and mind-blowing, I get a shiver down my spine. I think that must be how religious people feel about their faith, and I can appreciate that.
I am pretty tolerant of other people's beliefs, as long as they aren't haters, and I appreciate the same from others.