Relationship of bonded bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
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, Florida, USA
Sometimes I wonder if Rilee might want to have a bunny friend. It wouldn't happen for a year at least, but I was wondering some things. I've had her for about a year, and I still feel like we aren't super close. Sometimes she'll sit close to me and I'll pet her, but sometimes she doesn't care where I am or what I do. And I can't hold her. So I wondered, if I got her a friend, would she pay even LESS attention to me? And would the other bunny never become close to me? Like, would they care more about each other, and just want to be with each other, and just kind of like me because I feed them? It's the biggest reason I'm not totally for the idea, as horrible as that sounds. But I love my baby, I want her to love me back.
It just takes time. Teacup won't ever let me pick her up, but she's such a sweet bunny!!! I wouldn't worry about not hadling her easly. Just be patient.

When I got kali and Bud Teacup got sweeter for a little while. But I really don't know.

None of my rabbits personalities changed when they were bonded to another rabbit. I mean, my boys will practically knock their 'other half' over to come greet me. I've seen absolutely no change in behaviour or love for me. It's more like the other rabbit is a substitute when I'm not there, but when I am, forget about the other rabbit!

As forthe new rabbit being close to you, that really depends on the individual rabbit. If you get one that isn't too keen on people to begin with, it's possible (like my Zoey) they wont want your company at all. But others may take time to warm up to you. I've had Reese bonded to Spice since May and she is gradually getting better with me. Others wont take any work at all.
Wiggles is a bun who needs lots of love and attention. Though I spoil her rotten, she is one of those that just needs a constant companion. I adore her and she adores me but when I put her with another pet she craves the affection. When Wiggles saw Bam-Bam, it was love at first sight and after a few minutes of establishing who was the boss, they were running around the house playing and snuggling.

I thought for sure that she would ignore me more but not a chance. She is still very jealous of Bam-Bam being pet by me so she will come stick her nose between my hand and his nose. I pet them at the same time and she settles.

Actually, I am certain that the bond between them made it easier for Bam-Bam to trust me. He is a rescued bun and was more interested in doing his thing. I respected him but now he comes running to me to play.

So all in all, yeah I do suggest they have a mate. I really couldn't believe the strength of the bond. Seeing Bam-Bam go crazy looking for her when she's not with him, and seeing her cry to call him, made me realize that there is a difference between our bond and the bond between two bunnies. And when they say bunnies mourn long and hard for their mates, I believe them.
Well, Ruby and Millie have always been bonded so I wouldn't really know what they were like on their own; however although they are bonded I still have strong relationshipswith each of them as individuals. I think it just comes down to making sure you spend plenty of time with them so that you are seen as the 'third rabbit'.;)

One thing I do find sometimes with my girls is that when one is being super friendly, the other may be a little distant. I don't know if it is just jealousy or something else, but itdoesn't last longbefore the other wants attention again.:D
I guess it depends the bunny my Teresa came out more and started to look for us once she was bonded.
Like JadeIcing said I think it just depends on the bun. Like you say you have a year or so to think about it. Good luck with whatever you decide.:)

I personally think its great for them to have a friend but as ive said in other posts up to now ive had very little problems with bonding and they still seem to love interaction with us some more than others as some of the other posts say it does depend on personality i have two buns who arent that arent that partial to being picked up or patted when they are not feeling like it where the others most always want loving.
My bunny doesn't necessarily seem lonely, she's a pretty independent tough girl. It's like she doesn't depend on me emotionally at all. When I had to leave her for 3 weeks, she wasn't even moody like my friend's was, or others I read about here. She was like "Hey."

But bunnies in pairs look so cute :) If I get a place with more room in the future, I'll consider getting her a friend.
I had one bun for a while, and thought she was fine on her own, then after I got her a friend (CHarlie), I will never have one bun again. The difference is remarkable. You realize how social they are - my two do everything together, play, eat, sleep.

When I got Charlie, I thought he woulnd't bond to me because he had Misty but he's closer to me than he is to Misty sometimes. He still comes to me for cuddles and pets, and he would pick me over Misty if I am in the room - it really depends on the rabbit and like someone else said - it's important for you to become the 3rd rabbit and for them to see you as a friend as well.


Hehe thanks. This thread gave me my entry for thursdays bonding journal entry.
I'm glad you asked, because I've been wavering about the same thing! I even saw a cute little girl online that I think I'd like to have.

Here aremy questions:

I bring Hershey and let him pick out a friend? or do I pick the friend and bring her home and try to bond them?

If I brought Hershey, would I be able to tell if he would get along with the bunny I picked?