Really nervous

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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
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, Florida, USA
I'm getting so very nervous. I just moved into my new apartment 2 days ago, but left my bunny behind. I'm going to get her in about 2 weeks. The apartment is strictly No Pets. I'm still not sure how inspections go, so I'm worried about hiding her during them. She's a chewer, and the room comes furnished with a wood desk, dresser, and night stand. I'm so scared that she'll be found. I was ok before, but now that I'm here....

Has anyone else hidden their bunny like this??

If she's discovered I have to get her out and pay $300!! I thought I could do this, but I think about it every night. :(
The apartment landlord, he won't try to do surprise inspections will he? If he doesn' could give her to a friend/family memember for the day. It might be a bit stressfull on the bun though.

I haven't personally had to do this but a friend did and she set the cage up in her closet so that when they came in she just put the bunny in there and closed the closet doors.....really they have no right to go through your personal belongings...and most people keep stuff in their closet. She also covered the cage with a blanket just in case and stuck shoes on it, to make it look like a box!

I would worry about the chewing, when you leave is the big inspection and if she has chewed you will not get your damage deposit back...but maybe it would be worth it by then!

Good luck!

$300..WOAH.. at my friends place its about 400- 500.. Will the landlord do surprise inspections? You can probably put something over the cage..
if i am not mistaken a landlord cant do a surprise inspection i think they have to give at least 24hours notice. Having said that i hid 3 cats from my landlord for a year, i dont reccommend it. i think he knew but i kept the apartment clean and you never knew i had them, but you would have to be blind not to see or hear them. they sat in the window sill, and they cryed at the door downstairs when it opened because they thought it was me. I had an inspection once , for his insurance co, and i hid things in the closet, and i took the cats to petsmart, where i was working at the time, and kept them there till it was over and he never knew.. he even commented on how clean i kept the apartment.

what you have to be ready for is if they are discovered are you prepared to pay the money and possibly move again. that wasnt a problem for me if they were discovered i would have moved into an apartment that would allow them in a heart beat.

good luck.
The thing is, I'm a college student living in a college town with apartments designed and run to suit hundreds of college kids. I'm pretty sure they have to inform me about the inspections, but what if I am on campus for class? She's going to have an NIC cage, but I think I'll be able to turn it and put it under the bed, do you think they would look there?? A friend said she would be willing to keep her at her on-campus apartment for a few hours in her travel cage, which sucks a little, I hoped I could bring her small cage. The friend is an RA and has her own bunny, so. No other friends I know are allowed pets, so it's pretty much up to her. She'll only be in my room too. If she IS discovered and I have to pay and everything, they won't kick ME out at least, so I'd probably have to give her to my mom, where she'll get little interaction, and my contract is only 9 months anyways.

I really love this apartment though! But next year I'll pick one where pets are allowed :?

Can anyone brighten me as to what they DO for inspections, in general??
Legally (normally), they are not allowed to come in unannounced, unless there is an emergency such as another unit is flooding due to a leak and it is leaking into yours, for example.

Especially if you are a tenant that wants to be home if Maintence needs to come for something you have requested. You can certainly hide them, as they are kinda quiet. The inspector may not think a thing of it anyway, not knowing the "rules" of the complex".

There are legal issues with this, reread your lease, it should be stated in there. I used to work for a Property Management company.

by law, your landlord cannot perform any property inspection without giving you at least 48 hours notice so i wouldn't worry about him showing up unannounced (unless he doesn't know his tenancy rights act). if i were you i would pack up bunny and drop her at the house of someone you trust for the duration of the inspection, then go and pick her up. even if you found a place to hide her, she may make noise and alert the landlord to her presence.

i've hidden my bun for landlord inspections before. i took him outside on to my enclosed decking and played with him while they inspected the house. they didn't come out onto my private decking so i didn't really have a lot to worry about. another time i put him into my car and sat inside the car with him, letting him explore.

there's always a way around the whole "no pets" thing. i know it's naughty and i don't like to do deceitful things but my bun is my life so it's okay to break that rule for him ;)
i had the problem w/ my landlord coming over unannounced (which he still does sometimes grrr) anyways i specifically stated to him that we would like to know before he was coming over. usally i keep layla's door shut and if i know for sure he's coming i'll always keep it shut.

i know next year when i head off to grad school i'm getting a pet friendly place for sure!!!

but like everyone said, the landlord should give you notice, and they won't look in places like under your bed and in your closet, so feel free to hide your stuff there. there's no reason they should look in those places.

Where there's a will there's a way!,i know you will get around this somehow,and i wish you good luck.

And yes,just like others have said,your landlordMUST give you notice to inspect the property first

I think it is very rude of a landlord to just turn up at someone's home without any notification

Thanks guys you made me feel better! I don't think it'll be the landlord that comes to inspect, I live in like a complex with like 25 buildings with like 12 apartments in each. Each building or two has a "Community Ambassador" and I wouldn't be surprised if she's the one who will inspect. I can see myself wrapping a blanket around her travel carrier and smuggling her out! And shopping bunny supplies after dark, muahaha.

Umm, so if they can't look under the bed, in the closet, on the deck, what DO they loook at?
They just really look around the place to make sure that you haven't damaged anything,like put holes in the walls etc,etc,and just to make sure that your keeping the property in good order

And no,they cannot look through your personal property either

well i know when i lived on campus property they'd just inspect to make sure we didn't have candles, halogen lamps, alcohol in the open (if we were under 21) and just make sure we weren't misusing anything.

now that i'm in an off campus housing if our landlord stops by i'm sure he would only say something if we were doing something distructive w/ the house. other than that they shouldn't really have anything to say. that's why i don't understand random inspections if it is an off campus housing. ??
amberelizabeth wrote:
well i know when i lived on campus property they'd just inspect to make sure we didn't have candles, halogen lamps, alcohol in the open (if we were under 21) and just make sure we weren't misusing anything.

now that i'm in an off campus housing if our landlord stops by i'm sure he would only say something if we were doing something distructive w/ the house. other than that they shouldn't really have anything to say. that's why i don't understand random inspections if it is an off campus housing. ??

Neither do I :? When I lived on campus, we had like one inspection per semester and they checked that we used appropriate extention cords and candles and alcohol etc. Here I got the impression that they inspect once a month?? But they will inform us. We already filled out a sheet about any damages that were already here when we move in, so I don't understand why they have to inspect it before we move out.

This is so confusing. I wanted to bring Rilee on Labor Day weekend (which I thought was a 3-day weekend, now I'm not sure) but I want to see them do an inspection first, and they haven't said anything about it. No one even came on move-in day as far as I know.
I'm with everyone else, I don't think they can do that. BUT if someone DID find out, you say your friend brought it to you unannounced and you are taking it to the humane society and they can come back and check in a few days.

And mysteriously....all the bunny stuff will be gone......:biggrin2:

I thought of using that one, haha, cause I have to pay pet fees here too...And I don't want to so I have all sorts of ideas. The closet one is pretty darn good too
petkeeper wrote:
set the cage up in her closet so that when they came in she just put the bunny in there and closed the closet doors.....really they have no right to go through your personal belongings...and most people keep stuff in their closet. She also covered the cage with a blanket just in case and stuck shoes on it, to make it look like a box!

i did this, and i think it is pretty good idea, cover the cages with blankets, put stuff on there, and shut the closet door (not compeltely, leave a gap for air circulaton). but put something in front of the door like a suitcase or a bunch of books ......

the pain is to get rid of all the OTHER evidence such as the zillions of bunny toys laying around everywhere else.

I have a friend that has a bunny and has to go through monthly inspection of her apt, so she just gets up early on the day of the inspection and drops the bunny at her friend's place.

hope this help, and yes, it is ALL worth the trouble

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