I just adopted a brown 7 week old mini lop bunny. He is a handful, a regular houdini, who can manage to get out of every enclosure I have tried. I can hold him for about 10 seconds and then he starts wriggling free. I put my 4 month old female lop in with him to see how he would react and found out that he is sexually precocious even though I thought he was too young and innocent. Boy, was I wrong. The female was benign and didn't react, but I quickly took her away. Do you think this feisty new one can be tamed with much love and food? I plan to breed him when he's of age as we raise lop ears. Any suggestion will be much appreciated. All my other buns are docile and the sweetest loving buns anyone could wish for. Is this a behavior characteristic one that can be passed on genetically, and is it possible that it could be transmitted to buns that he fathers in the future? He's adorable and I so wish he can be calmed down through training.