random tilting of the head?

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Okay- an uodate.

Belle is home- and she's doing okay. She's got a new med- Reglan, and it's helping her poop. When I left her there Tuesday evening, she wasn't really pooping, and her vet said soon after she had given Belle the Reglan, she kind of started going- which is definitely better than not going to the bathroom at all. They also did another radiograph- and it now looks like she may have a kdney stone. So, they have to do a urine test for her... another result that I'll have to wait for. As for the kidney and liver problems that may be there, they want to wait a couple of weeks to see if the meds and feedings four times a day help anything... I guess an ultrasound can be really expensive here. Plus, they're not quite sure if she needs one. Oh, before I forget... if Belle does have a kidney stone, will it pass, or will she need surgery to have it removed? I've been reading, and I've come to find that she may have to have surgery. And I know how riskey surgery can be for rabbits.:? So, although she seems to be getting better, it also seems like we keep running into more complications. Poor Belle just can't get a break. :(

ChandieLee wrote:
...So, although she seems to be getting better, it also seems like we keep running into more complications. Poor Belle just can't get a break. :(
I've just today found this thread. I apologize for the delay.

You and Belle are in my thoughts. :hug: Please give her pets for me.

Your Belle and my Zoe seem to have something in common: continual medical issues. If youever need to talk, please PM me;I empathize with what you must be experiencing right now.


:)Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts. I think the thoughts and prayers from everyone on the forum plus her strong-willed personality are the thing keeping her going. So thanks. :)Belle is doing okay. She's still not eating much on her own, but she's pooping a tad bit more and drinking water on her own. I got a call from her vet earlier and she definitely wants Belle to get an ultrasound of her gut/bladder area. With everything happening though, Belle is still very bright and alert, and I know that she's not ready to give up.
Just stopping in to update, kinda.

Belle is still doing the same- still no better or worse, but I noticed something.I was watching Belle eat the tiniest bit of pellets a few minutes ago, and she was chewing on the right side of her mouth- the side her head has been tilting to. Well, it seems that maybe it hurts her to eat because after she chewed, she made a jerk motion to the right and kinda spun a bit, then took another pellet. Chew, jerk motion, spin. The vet has checked her teeth multiple times and she said they look very well, but now after seeing this, I'm not entirely convinced. Considering everything that's going on, Belle's still her demanding diva self.:pShe even binkied today, which is something I haven't seen her do in like a month now.
Could Belle be having a tooth root problem on top of everything else? I love that she is still binkying about so that sounds all good and positive and would love to hear an update to it all!
Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts :)
Belle seems to be getting better slowly. She's gradually eating more on her own, well, she's trying to anyway. She still does that little jerk motion when she eats. This morning, and yesterday, I got her to eat a bit of banana. :) Although, it still seems like she's not pooping as much as she should be.
Maybe it could be a tooth root problem. How would I go out about finding out though? The vet says her teeth look fine... but I don't know. She goes in today, so I'll definitely discuss that with the vet. I'll update when I get home.
When our Penny got her first tooth problem, 2 doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. Until she started to drool a little.
Then the 3rd vet, (ours current) took her and anethetized her and could feel that one of her teeth was loose.

Her simptoms where that she was so eager to eat, but when she would start she would nible and quickly stop.
Hey Chandie there is a thread on here somewhere in the Infirm I believe Randy said the only definitive way was to get either an Xray or Ultrasound of the head to see the roots.. I'll dig through and see if I can find it and post back the links.. Hope the Vets suggests this!

EDIT: Here is a link from the library: http://homepage.mac.com/mattocks/morfz/rabrefs.html#teeth
Thanks for the replies guys. :)

I apologize for not updating sooner. My computer is very old and doesn't always want to cooperate. Anyway, I brought Belle to the vet, and asked her to look at Belle's teeth and it turns out that Belle has some scratches on the lower left side of her mouth.:grumpy: How they didn't find this before, I don't know, but it's kind of frustrating. I also asked her if there could be a problem with the roots. She said the only way they can find out is an x-ray. So as of now, she needs an x-ray of her mouth and an ultra-sound, both of which need to be sceduled in advance.
Okay, on to how Belle's doing now; As I type this Belle is munching on some endive. :) She seems to be eating more greens, but she's having a hard time with her pellets and her hay. Sometimes, she'll pick up a pellet, then drop it, and other times, she'll eat half of the pellet and drop the rest, but I don't think she's drooling. And just like before, after chewing part of the pellet, she'll kind of jerk her head and do a little spin. BUT, she's still bright and alert. She's moving around the house like she owns the place and I've even seen her do a few binkies, so I know she's not willing to give up. Please forgive me if this seems a bit ignorant, but I was wondering whether the x-ray or the ultra-sound is more important? I understand that an ultra-sound is needed to check out her gut/bladder area, but I'm thinking that the x-ray should come first because if something is wrong with Belle's teeth, the vet can fix them, and maybe she'll be able to eat her pellets again. It's just a thought.
I'm not sure which is more important, but I bet they'd like to do them at the same time so that they can only anesthetize her once. They probably need to do that for both procedures, and the anesthesia is usually the most expensive part of a procedure, so it would be cheaper to do them both at once than separately. I'd double check if that's what they mean.:)
Sorry for the delay in update...

Belle is eating a bit more on her own now... not asmuch as she should be though. I can get her to eat some greens, but she's still avoiding the pellets and hay. I am really guessing it's her teeth. Sooo, she needs an x-ray on her roots. As soon as I get those results, I'll let you know. :)

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