Thanks for the replies guys.
I apologize for not updating sooner. My computer is very old and doesn't always want to cooperate. Anyway, I brought Belle to the vet, and asked her to look at Belle's teeth and it turns out that Belle has some scratches on the lower left side of her mouth.:grumpy: How they didn't find this before, I don't know, but it's kind of frustrating. I also asked her if there could be a problem with the roots. She said the only way they can find out is an x-ray. So as of now, she needs an x-ray of her mouth and an ultra-sound, both of which need to be sceduled in advance.
Okay, on to how Belle's doing now; As I type this Belle is munching on some endive.

She seems to be eating more greens, but she's having a hard time with her pellets and her hay. Sometimes, she'll pick up a pellet, then drop it, and other times, she'll eat half of the pellet and drop the rest, but I don't think she's drooling. And just like before, after chewing part of the pellet, she'll kind of jerk her head and do a little spin. BUT, she's still bright and alert. She's moving around the house like she owns the place and I've even seen her do a few binkies, so I know she's not willing to give up. Please forgive me if this seems a bit ignorant, but I was wondering whether the x-ray or the ultra-sound is more important? I understand that an ultra-sound is needed to check out her gut/bladder area, but I'm thinking that the x-ray should come first because if something is wrong with Belle's teeth, the vet can fix them, and maybe she'll be able to eat her pellets again. It's just a thought.