random tilting of the head?

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I've got the baby motrin, and will be giving that to her. Hopefully it'll take away enough of the pain to make her comfortable and able to to eat. How often should I be giving her a quarter of a tablet?

I also just read the pain managemt thread. Belle's vet sent her home with the diagnosis of GI stasis, and after reading that, I'm pretty agitated that she didn't send Belle home with pain meds. :grumpy: I will be making yet another call tomorrow to try and get these meds for her. If they won't prescribe them for her, I am definitely going else where. I also need her to tell me what the root of the problem could be, that way we can fix it so Belle can go back to her normal self. It's just hurting me to see her like this.:(
:hug:I hope she feels better with the baby motrin.
For the record I just read a post elsewhere that mentioneda woman's vet told her thatout of 100 lop-earred rabbits he sees with head tilt, 99 willhave ear problems, and only one will have EC.

Belle's not a lop, but it still reiterates Randy's position.

ra7751 wrote:
I see progress being made here. Metacam is a NSAID....along the lines of our Tylenol.
Minor clarification, though... Tylenol isn't an NSAID... I've been meaning to add this to the Library file, it's from Tylenol.com. (And in case anybody mistook Randy's reference, he's not recommending it, it's not recommended for rabbits).

Drug Interactions
Many of the medicines frequently used to treat arthritis pain belong to a class of medicines called NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories). Commonly used OTC NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin® IB), and naproxen sodium (Aleve®), as well as traditional prescription NSAIDs (such as indomethalin, ibuprofen, etc.) and COX-2 inhibitors, like Celebrex®. These drugs work by blocking the production of substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation.

NSAIDs may interact with common prescription medicines for high blood pressure.

The medicine in Tylenol is not an NSAID. It’s a pain reliever that works differently. And unlike Aleve, which may interact with many blood pressure medications, Tylenol won’t. Patients should always read and follow labeled directions on the medications they are taking. Tylenol should not be used with other acetaminophen-containing products.
How is Belle today? I really hope that there is some good news. Thinking of you!
Ok... I have an update for everyone.

Belle still hadn't been eating or drinking this morning, so I called her vet only to be told that they couldn't see her today. The soonest appointment they had was on Wednesday. I knew I couldn;t wait that long, so I called another vet to see if they took emergencies, and luckily for Belle, they do. Well, when I got there, the vet did an examination. Her ears are fine, but her gums are a bit inflamed and bloody from grinding them so much. Other than that, her teeth are fine. She checked her temperature and it was 102. Then, she checked Belle's stomach and abdomen, and that's when Belle got upset and tried to wriggle free. Belle's stomach and abdomen were very hard. I told her that Belle's regular vet had sent her home with the diagnosis GI stasis, but this vet said it was worse than stasis... she used a word that started wuth I believe an M, but I just can't remember what the word is. She then asked the nurse to call Belle's regular vet to get her record faxed over, but they won't fax them over until I can get over there and sign a release form.
Belle is now going to be staying there for 2-4 nights. They want to do some x-rays and unblock her stomach. They'll be giving metacam, SQ fluids and other medications that will unblock her stomach.
I've decided that I'm switching Belle and Necro over to the vet I brought her to today. I think it's just horrible that it took 3 trips to get Belle on the right track:grumpy:.
Right now that's all I really know. I can call anytime to see how she's doing, and they'll be calling to keep me posted. When I know more, I'll let you all know what's going on.

Thanks for all the support everyone. :hug2:

I am SO glad that Belle is getting some decent treatment. I really hope that they can help her through this.

I've been keeping her in my thoughts and was desperate for an update. Have you found a way to finance the treatment?

You know where I am.

*bump* I can see you're online, so I just wondered how Belle was?
Hey. I got an update for everyone.
Belle is home. She's been home for like an hour now.

She seems to be doing loads better than before. She's out and about, exploring at the moment. ;)

She's eating hay and pellets somewhat on her own again. She's not eating as much as the vet wanted so I still need to syringe feed her a bit. They sent home some already made syringes of Oxbow Critical Care with prozyme and papaya. They also sent her home with 5 different medications; Propulsid, Lactulose, Meloxicam, Baytril, Flagyl. Like I said before, this last vet that saw Belle said it was worse than stasis, I think the word she used was hypomotility. They also treated her for an inner ear infection because of the head tilt, which no longer seems to be there, but I will keep an eye out for it. Belle has an appointment on Monday. The vet wants to make sure she is still doing well by then.
Altogether, Belle's vet bills came up to $1,116.00, most of which my lovely boyfriend paid for. So, if it weren't for him, I probably would have had to re-home her so she could get the help that she needed. He is a life-saver. :hearts

I'm relieved to hear Belle is doing better:). What a boyfriend you have there, that is wonderful of him to do for you and Belle.

Keep us posted on how she's doing;).
I am so, SO relieved to hear that she is doing better. I'm sorry the bill was so hefty though, but it does sound like the vet did a far better job than before. Your boyfriend sounds pretty wonderful.

I really am glad Belle is back and I hope she keeps improving.
Another update..
Once again, Belle doesn't seem to be doing good. :(
She didn't touch her food today, and only drank a little water on her own.
I've been syringe feeding her and giving her the meds she was sent home with exactly as instructed. The vet that Belle saw recently wantes to see her on Monday, but I really don't think that's soon enough, and I don't believe they are open on the weekends. There are two other places that I can think of that will be open, but of course, there is another problem.
This past week, Belle's vet bills came up to a little over $1,000.00, most of which my boyfriend paid, and I'm afraid he's helped me as much as he can. I now officially have no way to pay for anymore vet bills. I have maybe 1 or 2 things that I could sell on craigslist, but there's no way I would get enough money to pay for another 3 night stay at the vet's office. I'm going to look around and see if there's anything else I could sell on craigslist...
The only other thing I can think of to get Belle all the help she needs is to re-home her. :( I honestly don't want to have to do this. I love her so much.
It may be my only option. I also have to think about Necro in this situation as well. Belle and Necro are bonded, and I would like to keep them together if this is something that I have to do, but would it hurt him more to be with her while she's sick this way? I know it would be better for Belle because she would have the support of her bestfriend... but I need to keep the best interest of both of them in mind.
At this moment, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do, but any ideas, comments and even criticism would be helpful and appreciated at this point.
As always, thanks for listening.

Aw hun, what a horrible situation.

I don't really have anything to suggest that might help. I personally think Necro and Belle would be better together and that it wouldn't harm him to be with her, although it might be harder to monitor her. But I didn't know if your question was in relation to being at your house or being rehomed, in which case, things might be different and you might have to look at what you feel is best.

I'm so so sorry you are all going through this. My PM box is open if you need a chat or anything.

Take care of yourself.

I just wondered how you were doing with this situation and how things were.

Thinking of you all.

I'm sorry I haven't responded yet but I just don't know what to say. I know it's very discouraging to see her so ill and be completely run out of money. At least it sounds like she's getting proper treatment now, and I know you're doing everything you can for her.

I don't know if giving her up would be a solution simply because it would be so hard to find someone who is willing to take care of her and her immediate health problems. If you can find someone who is willing to do that and that you trust, then search your heart to decide what to do. It's tough for any of us to know what to say about that since we don't really know you in "real life," and I don't think any of us can or should judge you no matter what you do.

I do think it would be best for Necro to be with her. The likelihood that he'll get sick from her is extremely low, as far as I know ear infections don't spread and the majority of rabbits have already been exposed to E. cuniculi, it's more a matter of how their body deals with it. I know Mocha's been an excellent nurse to Loki since he's been ill, and even though it makes it harder for me to see exactly whose poop that is and who's eating what and how much, it makes him happier to be with her.

Instead of having to take her to the vet each time, I wonder if your vet would do a phone consultation to check up on her? You probably wouldn't get charged for that, at least I don't.

Thanks for the responses. :)

I have a bit of good news. Just when I thought things wouldn't get any better, Belle ate a tiny bit of greens on her own. :biggrin2: :yes: And she drank some water on her own. She even has some tiny poops. I have to say, I never thought I'd be so excited about bunny poop. :p I am trying to be very positive about this situation now... I think that if she continues to make a bit of progress everything will be okay. My heart was breaking just thinking about the fact that I may have needed to re-home Belle and Necro. I'm glad that there seems to be a light at the end of this tunnel.
I can ask her vet about phone consultations instead. Goodnes knows that would be so mcu easier on my wallet. It would probably be alot easier for Belle too. Less stress. :) Thanks for the idea. I'll be either talking to the vet tomorrow or bringing Belle in for a visit. I'll let you guys know what happens.

Sorry it took until today to give an update- the internet in my neighborhood was out.:X

I took Belle to the vet yesterday. They're still pretty concerned since she barely wants to eat on her own. They gave her sq fluids and want to see her again Thursday. She's still on the meds they prescribed for her. Belle's still alert, which is good though.
I'll keep you guys updated.

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