Another update..
Once again, Belle doesn't seem to be doing good.

She didn't touch her food today, and only drank a little water on her own.
I've been syringe feeding her and giving her the meds she was sent home with exactly as instructed. The vet that Belle saw recently wantes to see her on Monday, but I really don't think that's soon enough, and I don't believe they are open on the weekends. There are two other places that I can think of that will be open, but of course, there is another problem.
This past week, Belle's vet bills came up to a little over $1,000.00, most of which my boyfriend paid, and I'm afraid he's helped me as much as he can. I now officially have no way to pay for anymore vet bills. I have maybe 1 or 2 things that I could sell on craigslist, but there's no way I would get enough money to pay for another 3 night stay at the vet's office. I'm going to look around and see if there's anything else I could sell on craigslist...
The only other thing I can think of to get Belle all the help she needs is to re-home her.

I honestly don't want to have to do this. I love her so much.
It may be my only option. I also have to think about Necro in this situation as well. Belle and Necro are bonded, and I would like to keep them together if this is something that I have to do, but would it hurt him more to be with her while she's sick this way? I know it would be better for Belle because she would have the support of her bestfriend... but I need to keep the best interest of both of them in mind.
At this moment, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do, but any ideas, comments and even criticism would be helpful and appreciated at this point.
As always, thanks for listening.