My bunnies had their first bondingsession today! It went pretty well! I took them into the bathroom, andat first there was a little sniffing, nudging, scuffing and chasing,but not too much, no real fighting. I only intended to make the firstsession about 15-20 minutes, but by that time, they were doing so wellthat I decided to move them out into the hallway, and we spent most ofthe afternoon out there. Tumble was so laid back. Muff was a littlehuffy and had to have things on her terms. If Tumble went up to her,she would thump and run off. But if she went up to Tumble, it was okay.And eventually, they were cuddling up nose-to-nose.
I want to go ahead and either build or buy a new cage that they canshare whenever they're ready, but I need your advice. Should I build aNIC cage, or get a dog crate? Would an XL be big enough for both mybuns? They're 5 and 8 lb bunnies.
Ok! Here are the pics from today.....
Tumble - right before she jumped the fence:
Mom!? What did you do? (I blocked it w/the table, haha).
Congrats on the bonding session. I'msure it will get better and better. With the NIC cubes I guess itseasier to customize them according to how you wish the cage to looklike. It all depends on youI guess. Cages are never too big.I'm starting to feel my cage is a little small for 2 bunnies but I donthave the cash or space for anything larger at the moment.