is free. You don't have to pay for it. There is also another free one I use, but it is a little bit more complicated to use. It's called GIMP.
Yeah! I'm still trying to figure out GIMP. The only thing I can do with it at this point is create animated gif's. It is supposed to make more pro looking cut outs because it "feathers" the edges after you outline the picture, but I can't get the hang of it.
Is it possible for any VIP members to post pictures of their buns that are over the bridge, I have a sweet idea for the Logo conttest.... Thanks (The photo topic thing is closed)
I know I posted some of my bridge buns, and other people may have too Becca, in fact, I would bet they have, so it may be a case of doing some detective work and working out whihc are bridge buns and which are not.