Rabbits and black elderberry products advice.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2020
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I'd just like to ask for opinions on the use of black elderberry products in terms of medications,syrups etc sold for human use in terms of immune boosting and treating congestion and viral infections.of course there's lots of information out there with regard to the feeding of parts of the plant in the raw state and warnings about the potential harmful effects of the cyanide compounds withinthe leaves,stems and unripe fruit, but it is usually stated that a small amount of ripe fruit and flowers are harmless and beneficial. Since reading about the health benefits of the plant in human terms for treating congestion,viralinfections,colds etc,i wanted to explore the use of products made from the plant ,for the benefit of my rabbits during Winter. Any thoughts and balanced views would be very welcome.many thanks.
My opinion on products: Pretty much Snake Oil and marketing, main ingredient: sugar.
We all want to believe that those things work magic against everything, but the placebo effect is not going to work with animals.

The berrys are not edible without cooking, only that destroys the toxins. I use them to make jam (mixed with other berries).
Here the flowers are used to make, well, actually flavour syrup.

Although the plant is said to have medical properties that's not compareable with real medicine, and what's left of it after being industrually processed is another matter. If you have a plant it definitly wouldn't hurt to read up how it is used, and for what and try it.
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Interesting.I'm not a believer in treatments without evidence of course,but the fact that the plant has been used by native people around the world for generations has to be taken into account,and I don't think anyone sensibly thinks that the plant is a magic solution,simply has a part to play.It's an interesting line of thought with regard to the placebo effect,because it assumes that there is no actual benefit.I practice reiki,on both animals and people,and know the actual beneficial effect from numerous cases-however someone who is totally sceptical,often without any experience of the treatment,will simply call it wishful thinking or some other disparaging title.The use of the words 'real medicine' are interestingbecause it implies that only pharma products can cause health benefits-as we know all too well,they can also cause some horrendous side effects and do not work equally well on everyone or every animal in the case of veterinary medicine.Modern medicine relied on traditional medicinal ingredients before it started to synthesise ingredients,and is still finding natural substances which have amazing results.that's what I meant by balanced viewpoint really. Thanks for the feedback.
Oh, wait, I didn't want to say that natural substances don't work at all. A lot do, if used in the right way. That's not the point, but I'm sceptical of 98% of stuff sold with the claim that this or that - whatever happens to be in fashion - helps for whatever. There is a lot of very careful phrasing in that ads.

The good thing is, most doesn't hurt, unlike lots of pharma products that get used without sufficient need. Please don't put too much weight on an odd choice of words, english isn't my first language.
The placebo effect is much more than just wishful thinking.
if you wanted to try something as an immune booster, maybe try chopped echinacea plant. I've read of other rabbit owners using it and believing it was beneficial to their rabbit, particularly in respiratory illness cases(usually in conjunction with antibiotics and other medications for the illness).

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