Yesterday, Kurt had some teeth removed and some trimmed. Our vet also widened the shunt that was there from the previous surgery and also created a new one in the jaw. In the evening, Kurt was already wide awake and kept Karotka company during her visit at the vet's. She is a real fighter!
Although Carrot's head tilt is a bit worse, she feels better. For the first time since weeks, here temereture was normal yesterday. Her wound after eye resection heals and there is no puss in it. She is in good appetite and rather active
Gosling...well Gosling still has her servants. She won't eat on her own - someone has to feed her. Our vet tried to encourage her to eat on her own but even he failed

She also loves being hugged. Our little princes
Pesteczka has problems with her ear. There is puss in her tympanic cavity (middle ear). If the puss spreads to her brain, there won't be much we can do. So will remove part of the auditory canal and to clean the cavity during surgery.
Pietrynka's digestive system doesn't function well. At first she didn't poo, now she has diarrhoea and she eats only herbs and hay. Her molars also need trimming but we have to wait for blood test results. We are concerned about the state of her liver.
Fluffy also had a blood test. He urinates too much and we need to make sure that his kidneys are healthy. He also has dental problems but we have to stabilise him before we can take care of his teeth.
Przebiśnieg had some molars removed and the rest of the teeth was trimmed. He was also neutered