My Ted is a free range bunn, he has 24/7 access to several rooms in the house. He usually comes to me when called by name……but not right away. He generally makes me wait a minute or two before he graces me with his presence.
Even when he knows I’m putting fresh greens down for him, he often seems to pretend that he’s more interested in something else first, before he leisurely strolls to his food.
I’m wondering if this is typical behavior. Has anyone else noticed this “you’re not the boss of me” attitude in their rabbits?
Even when he knows I’m putting fresh greens down for him, he often seems to pretend that he’s more interested in something else first, before he leisurely strolls to his food.
I’m wondering if this is typical behavior. Has anyone else noticed this “you’re not the boss of me” attitude in their rabbits?