Rabbit pause?

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Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
Southern Oregon, USA
My Ted is a free range bunn, he has 24/7 access to several rooms in the house. He usually comes to me when called by name……but not right away. He generally makes me wait a minute or two before he graces me with his presence.

Even when he knows I’m putting fresh greens down for him, he often seems to pretend that he’s more interested in something else first, before he leisurely strolls to his food.

I’m wondering if this is typical behavior. Has anyone else noticed this “you’re not the boss of me” attitude in their rabbits?
Storm, my big lop buck, knows his name quite well and reacts best to me calling him along with me snipping my fingers. I usually call out if i want to refresh the hay or greens, so i think he's linked being called with getting food.
But he won't ever come to me if he has something else in his attention. If fresh hay is given, he won't react even if i'm offering a treat. He also won't bat an eye at my becking if he's enjoying kisses from his lady. If i've offended him, he won't come for some time until curiousity beats him.
He's the pinnacle of "I know my name but i come if i wanna" behaviour in any of my buns.
Musti would come to me whenever called, even from far away, and a lot of the times even if he wasn't called for. Lümi would make a clueless face before coming over to investigate. Iris is a hopeless case because she sticks to her sir too much. It's gotten to the point where i'm calling for her and he comes running over.

Your bun is being the man of the house. What a fun time!
Thanks for the responses. It’s nice to know I’m not alone. I was wondering if this behavior is nature or nurture . I guess it’s probably a combination of both. It’s not surprising that my little guy has a big fat inflated ego, because I spoil him rotten. What a character he is!

well, I gotta go, it’s time for me to give him his carrot tops for lunch, then his deep tissue massage afterwards :D

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