Wow!! I seriously don't know what looks just like him!! You're so talented!I just showed my family and they're amazed too. Thank yousooo much.
I just keep looking at it and can't get over it...:shock:
Thanks so much for the kind compliments on the Wrigley portrait, everybody!
I am feeling a lot better, so now I can get back into the swing ofthings with the portraits. I really feel like i've been slacking offthe past few days, and I just hate that feeling. This isnt a portraitthat anyone requested... I was working on it last week while feelingicky. I couldnt spend as much time as i wanted to on the computer, tolook at people's pictures of their bunnys for portraits so I decided todo a picture of these little guys:
And once again, my scanner is my arch nemesis! GRRRRRR! The resolutionis terrible (the flowers are the most noticebly blurry) but I guess Ishould be thankful that I even have a scanner! Thank goodness for smallblessings....
Nepo, I'm glad you're feeling better, too! I know the flu isnt as badnow as it used to be in the pioneer days, but honestly-- when a personfeels sooooooooo crummy and awful with the flu nowadays, it's easy tosee why getting it back then was so devestating (and possibly deadly).:-(