rabbit not eating(she is dying help me)(RIP)

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
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hello everyone please help me
i visited 10 vet today some of them gave me baby drops named: pedilact
that have: lactobacillus rhamnosus
lactobacillus reuteri
bifidobacterium infantis

and other one kidomach that have sodium bicarbonate
anethum graveolens oil

but none helped and my rabbit is starving for 2days
and they got picture from her that i attach and saw something strange like (tumor)(i attached in photo 2)
but they are NOT SURE
and i visited like 10 vet today
please if you can ask your expert vet or tell me if something is wrong in that picture
my rabbit is nutered

and what can i do now? i gave her message but noting changed and i dont want to lose my rabbit :(


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Unfortunately cannot tell much from that image quality and without hands on exam. In terms of getting her eating again you can try syringe feeding, mushing up the pellets she eats in warm water and forcing her that way. It’s possible she will need other medication or treatment if something is going on, what country are you in?
Unfortunately cannot tell much from that image quality and without hands on exam. In terms of getting her eating again you can try syringe feeding, mushing up the pellets she eats in warm water and forcing her that way. It’s possible she will need other medication or treatment if something is going on, what country are you in?
thanks for answer
i tried smash plate and apple and syringe feed to her few minutes ago
its very very hard and she strongly resist , i managed to feed her that way verryyyyyyy small amount and guess not worth the stress she get from it,,
i live in iran and i did not find any exotic vet
Without appropriate medication the most you can do at home is continue with supportive feeding and plenty of water. I’m sorry it’s going to be hard to suggest any more without veterinary intervention 😞
I'm so sorry to hear about your problem,and I sympathise. Of course i don't know what the exact issue is,but could your rabbit have eaten anything which could have caused an internal blockage? If you can get some liquid paraffin from the chemist,you could try giving some by syringe in case there is a blockage-it will help it to pass in theory.Is she in pain? by that i mean does she wince when you massage her belly and screw her eyes up? the problem is that she needs food,obviously,but if she has a blockage, it will just back-up.I would certainly concentrate on getting fluids down her with the syringe,whuiuch will stop dehydration and may ease any blockage in itself. The mushed up pellets are good,but try to put them through a strainer to make sure there are no hard bits which will block the neck of the syringe-very frustrating and time wasting.a little at a time and give lots of cuddles and encouragement.Keep her warm and massaged gently. You can also use baby food(vegetarian) in the syring,put through a seive to remove any hard bits,and slightly warm to avoid chilling..I know how hard it is and how upsetting,but keep at it and don't give up-she needs you to be strong for her.
Best of luck, you're doing your best with the options you have.
Can the vet give your bunny some pain relief?
Keep trying to syringe feed her 🤞
Internet reviews tell me that Karaj central vet clinic has had experience with rabbits. Esfahan college veterinary also seems to have an exotic vet- Farbod Khakpour. I have no idea how far they are from you, as Iran seems to be a huge country. Maybe you can call more vet offices?
Internet reviews tell me that Karaj central vet clinic has had experience with rabbits. Esfahan college veterinary also seems to have an exotic vet- Farbod Khakpour. I have no idea how far they are from you, as Iran seems to be a huge country. Maybe you can call more vet offices?
Praying for you and your precious bun,🙏🙏🙏💕❤️
Can you get some Oxbow Critical Care. Critical Care Food for Herbivores | Oxbow Animal Health

It has all the important things rabbits need to survive. We have had to rely on it a few times to get over gastro stasis issues.
Best of luck, you're doing your best with the options you have.
Can the vet give your bunny some pain relief?
Keep trying to syringe feed her 🤞
i stayed home for 2days and tried liquid paraffin as someone said and syringe feeding homemmade critical care(ready one not exist here) every few hours and liquid that help her empty her stomach easier and finally my rabbit started eating by herself today and she is back to normal and i love to just watching her eating now and sound of it more than ever
she was so misarable yesterday that could not run away or even resist force feeding or stand on gaurd but now she is just like before
thank your for your help and care <3 i will find exotic vet , its really important
again thank you all


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i stayed home for 2days and tried liquid paraffin as someone said and syringe feeding homemmade critical care(ready one not exist here) every few hours and liquid that help her empty her stomach easier and finally my rabbit started eating by herself today and she is back to normal and i love to just watching her eating now and sound of it more than ever
she was so misarable yesterday that could not run away or even resist force feeding or stand on gaurd but now she is just like before
thank your for your help and care <3 i will find exotic vet , its really important
again thank you all
amazing news so pleased for you, well done your hard work and effort paid off ❤️
I'm so sorry to hear about your problem,and I sympathise. Of course i don't know what the exact issue is,but could your rabbit have eaten anything which could have caused an internal blockage? If you can get some liquid paraffin from the chemist,you could try giving some by syringe in case there is a blockage-it will help it to pass in theory.Is she in pain? by that i mean does she wince when you massage her belly and screw her eyes up? the problem is that she needs food,obviously,but if she has a blockage, it will just back-up.I would certainly concentrate on getting fluids down her with the syringe,whuiuch will stop dehydration and may ease any blockage in itself. The mushed up pellets are good,but try to put them through a strainer to make sure there are no hard bits which will block the neck of the syringe-very frustrating and time wasting.a little at a time and give lots of cuddles and encouragement.Keep her warm and massaged gently. You can also use baby food(vegetarian) in the syring,put through a seive to remove any hard bits,and slightly warm to avoid chilling..I know how hard it is and how upsetting,but keep at it and don't give up-she needs you to be strong for her.
i tried feeding her just as you said and its paid off as i mentioned in post before this one, thank you
when i saw her not have energy to move or run away or resist i was sure she will not see tommarow
even my dad cried (he love her so much) but after many syringe feeding for many hours she started eating for herself again
i stayed home for 2days and tried liquid paraffin as someone said and syringe feeding homemmade critical care(ready one not exist here) every few hours and liquid that help her empty her stomach easier and finally my rabbit started eating by herself today and she is back to normal and i love to just watching her eating now and sound of it more than ever
she was so misarable yesterday that could not run away or even resist force feeding or stand on gaurd but now she is just like before
thank your for your help and care <3 i will find exotic vet , its really important
again thank you all
Oh my goodness thank you for this great news
I don’t know if you can order from Amazon where you are but if you can they do carry critical care for bunnies and perhaps would be good just to have it on hand in case this ever happens again
I am so happy for you and your precious bun and he’s so handsome 💕👏💕👏❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Oh my goodness thank you for this great news
I don’t know if you can order from Amazon where you are but if you can they do carry critical care for bunnies and perhaps would be good just to have it on hand in case this ever happens again
I am so happy for you and your precious bun and he’s so handsome 💕👏💕👏❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Sorry she’s a she 😱😳🥴but I’m still 😃 happy
That's fantastic news and I'm so happy for you.As I said,you just have to stick at it and not give in,it's hard but worth it.I'm glad the liquid paraffin appears to have helped,and maybe it was an internal blockage of some sort,perhaps hair or a hardened food mass,which is why water is so important at all times.Welldone and I hope she keeps getting better.
Sorry she’s a she 😱😳🥴but I’m still 😃 happy
I'm so sorry to hear about your problem,and I sympathise. Of course i don't know what the exact issue is,but could your rabbit have eaten anything which could have caused an internal blockage? If you can get some liquid paraffin from the chemist,you could try giving some by syringe in case there is a blockage-it will help it to pass in theory.Is she in pain? by that i mean does she wince when you massage her belly and screw her eyes up? the problem is that she needs food,obviously,but if she has a blockage, it will just back-up.I would certainly concentrate on getting fluids down her with the syringe,whuiuch will stop dehydration and may ease any blockage in itself. The mushed up pellets are good,but try to put them through a strainer to make sure there are no hard bits which will block the neck of the syringe-very frustrating and time wasting.a little at a time and give lots of cuddles and encouragement.Keep her warm and massaged gently. You can also use baby food(vegetarian) in the syring,put through a seive to remove any hard bits,and slightly warm to avoid chilling..I know how hard it is and how upsetting,but keep at it and don't give up-she needs you to be strong for her.
its happening again...
today and last night she did not wanted to eat (eat very small amount of Lettuce only and water
and her poop is very small and black in color ...
i attached photo of pop from 2 days ago and today
im doing the same thing again as before but i dont know why its happen so soon again
she was normal in eating and drinking and poping but now ...


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Does she shed her fur right now? If so, I would pluck and brush everything lose out. If the paraffin helped it would be a sign that ingested fur could have contributed to the problem.

Mine don't really like being brushed and plucked, but that actually kind of helps since they move a lot. If they have digestion issues I use that they are angry anyway and hold a handfull of hay against their mouth/nose until they bite into it from pure annoyance, and sometimes they keep munching once food is in their mouth.

I also syringe feed water with Simethicone, and make them move regularily. every hour for some minutes, or give belly massages.
i also offer safe greens like leafs from roses, apple trees, blackberry, narrowleaf plantain, willow, whatever they might like.

Good luck!
Does she shed her fur right now? If so, I would pluck and brush everything lose out. If the paraffin helped it would be a sign that ingested fur could have contributed to the problem.

Mine don't really like being brushed and plucked, but that actually kind of helps since they move a lot. If they have digestion issues I use that they are angry anyway and hold a handfull of hay against their mouth/nose until they bite into it from pure annoyance, and sometimes they keep munching once food is in their mouth.

I also syringe feed water with Simethicone, and make them move regularily. every hour for some minutes, or give belly massages.
i also offer safe greens like leafs from roses, apple trees, blackberry, narrowleaf plantain, willow, whatever they might like.

Good luck!
no she dont have fur drop problem right now and zero fur drop from her
i keep giving her simethicone and mush up pallet and mush up apple with syringe but not helped yet and I Hate my self while doing syringe feeding...
also im giving her alot of belly messages as i saw in videos
but i do not understand why its happened again just in few days
she is so skinny and weak now i can see her spine and bones right now and all of these happend in 1week
her belly is so watery and soft right now when give her message
there is anyway i can understand what is her problem?
she is out of energy now
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