I call Snickers "Snicks," Skittles "Skitts," (I'm breeding these two in a month, so I call it the "Skitts and Snicks" Plan, lol) Hershey "Momma bunny" or "Hersh," Black Licorice is "Black," Clover is "Cloves." I usually just shorten their name to one sylabol (sp?). I've already got plans to name two more Milky Way and Cobbler, so it'll probably be "Milks" or "Galaxy," and "Cobbs" or "Cobby." lol can you tell I have a sweet tooth??
I dont have nicknames for my guys, but I gave them all middle names...so when one is in trouble he gets called by his "full" name.
Basil James, Maxwell Alexander, Mr. Benjamin Tumnus. lol. Im weird, I know!
Edit: I forgot! I call Max and Basil "Gentlemen" when I say hello..and Mr Tumnus often gets called Ben Wallace (although this might have to change now that he has left us here in detroit for chicago) because of his afro