Rabbit Nicknames

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Agh i missed this thread!

I call Pepper: Pepper Pot. But Dottie doesnt have a nick name yet as i havent had her for that long.

Since I dont have a wide selection of rabbit nicknames, I hope you dontmind me posting my other pets as I have nicknames for all of themthough.

Tilly (horse): Tilly Willy

Rosie (dog): Rosie Posey, Badger

Tiny and Marty (guinea pigs): Guinea Wigs

And whenI was younger I had a gerbil called Oliver. When hewas naughty I use to call him Olivia and he hated it so much.Its amazing he knew what you was saying. If you said it to him he wudrun towards you and dig at you with all his might. He wasnt a viciousgerbil though ;)

oooh - it's so much fun reading all the nicknames!

When angel was alive, we'd call her angel to her face but only ever 'baby' when we spoke about her coz she was sooo small.

Alfie is alfie-pal-alf, Alfie McAttitude, Alfalfabun, Miss McNibble and very occasionally good-bunny

My catshave a million nicknames but their real names are embarrassing enough (great fun at the vets)

My chinchillas are unanimouslyknownas the pig-dogsalthough nobody seemsable to rememberwhy......:dunno:
CUTE THREAD!! :bunnydance:

Opie -

1. Baby Girl

2. Opie BaBopie

3. Opie Trice (my bf got that from the rapper - Obie Trice)

4. Pretty Girl

5. Princess Opie

BonBon -

1. Bombie

2. BonBon boy

3. Pretty Boy

Snickerdoodle -

1. Snickie

2. Snickiedoo

3. Pretty Girl
Well, their real names are Austin & Simon, but I also call each of them:

My Sundle of Bunshine
Doodle Doo
Noodle Doodle Kleugle
schweety pie

Sometimes I call Simon "Diamond" or "Rhymin Mimin Simon". Hepretty much responds to anything if I use the proper tone of voice.

Austin usually only responds to his name when he's naughty.example: "Aauustin! NO!" After which he binkys away like he'sjust amused himself by his naughtiness.



OH - and I forgot we also refer to Simon as "Fatso", but usually not to his face :).

these are what i call mine...

sunshine...sunny bunny,sun bun,suuuuuuuuunshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine,when shes naughty

lulu...lulu bell

daisy....daisy crazy,daisy lazy,daisy wazy


strawberry...strawbs,red eyed monster

raspberry...rasps,red eyed monster

jack...jacki,jacki wacky

pippi...pippi wippy,sweet boy

charlie...fluffy bunny


marley...marelston,marley warley

cassidy...baby boy

chocolate bunny...chockie bear,chockiewocky bunny

tobi..tobi woby,tobes

they also get called so many weird names,to many to write down.

Well, the only 'sound' my two monsters respond to is a shaking treat box.
I can call them until I'm blue in the face:brat: and they ignore me...

But I do have some nick names for them:
I call Nickalodian
I call Maggie May
The Magster
Monster Mag

But they are all in vain - unless I have dried fruit in my hand... :dunno:
Pepper~ Pepper boy, baby boy, sexy boy, boy boy (were so creative :disgust:)

Gaelyn~ Gae Gae, Baby girl, pretty girl
My bunnies are Hazel and Socks.

I call them both Bunners!

I call Hazel "Rah" and Socks babyboy....hee hee. :bunnydance:
We also sometimes call the boys our"puppies". For example, when I get home from work I may say(in my high pitched bunny voice) "Well hellooooo puppies!!"Sometimes they rush to the cage door, other times they just sit andlook at me like I'm nuts.

Great thread, everyone!


Bbbbuuunnnaaayysss!! when I enter the room.
bunn-eh yeah, that's how it sounds, in a baby voice. It's pretty strange.

Pollux- Baybee, Babe, Polly, Mr. Bunn-eh, Shweet.

Castor- Castboy, babe, Mr. Bunn-eh, Shweet.

And El Stupido when they're being silly or bad. :)
Beans: *******, Mama, Beanie, Beentas, Killer*

*only call her Killer when she goes into pyscho mode, then i say "Easy there Killer"

Rice: Rice-a-Roni, Mamita, Pretty bitty

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