Rabbit isn't as excitable all of a sudden...

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Emily Hill

New Member
Sep 6, 2018
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I have a four-year-old female outdoor bunny named Penny. She isn't very sociable (she doesn't let me pet her, but she enjoys being fed and plays with my cat and dog all the time) but everytime i go to her cage she gets excited and runs around. When she knows i'm going to let her out into her run she runs around and jumps out straight away. The past few days she hasn't been doing that; she's been excited when she's seen my cat (who she loves very much) and running around when she sees him, but when she sees me or anyone in my family she doesn't care. She's eating fine, sleeps a lot of the time (but that's how she's been a lot of the time anyway). I'm just worried something's wrong because she's not as excitable towards me anymore. Am I doing something wrong? I'm just hoping she's OK and not in pain or struggling in any way.

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