Well-Known Member
Been IMing Riffy...
So, Frosty is an unneutered male, over 1 year old.
Normal diet consists of pellets and veggies. I encourage you to feed him Timothy hay regularly. All buns should eat hay as the majority of their diet, small portion of salad a day and only about a handful (1/8 to 1/4 cup) of timothy hay based pellets a day. {Your 2 babies, 3 and 7 month old bunnies can have alfalfa based pellets but if money is an issue, you can feed all your buns timothy pellets. Alfalfa is recommended for babies because of the richer content}
Provided an address to a place in the city where a lot of NYC bun owners order our hay in bulk at a fairly affordable price. They ship for free.
Overall, I worry if he has some other issue that is causing a loss in body weight, then causing stasis. So far he's only presented with "loss of appetite", "small poops" and "sitting behavior."
So, Frosty is an unneutered male, over 1 year old.
Normal diet consists of pellets and veggies. I encourage you to feed him Timothy hay regularly. All buns should eat hay as the majority of their diet, small portion of salad a day and only about a handful (1/8 to 1/4 cup) of timothy hay based pellets a day. {Your 2 babies, 3 and 7 month old bunnies can have alfalfa based pellets but if money is an issue, you can feed all your buns timothy pellets. Alfalfa is recommended for babies because of the richer content}
Provided an address to a place in the city where a lot of NYC bun owners order our hay in bulk at a fairly affordable price. They ship for free.
Overall, I worry if he has some other issue that is causing a loss in body weight, then causing stasis. So far he's only presented with "loss of appetite", "small poops" and "sitting behavior."