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they only have the chewable ones in the pharmacy (chewable gas x) should i juss try my best to give him that? and how much should i give him??
kirbyultra wrote:
He might eat pumpkin. My buns love pumpkin and when they won't eat anything else they will still eat a tiny bit of pumpkin (warmed up slightly above room temperature so it smells really good).
This is something else that should be noted. Many of my rabbits won't (or at least wouldn't at first) eat the pumpkin out of the can, at least not without a fight, but if I wrapped it in a paper towel and heated it up a bit, they'd gobble it up.

Another helpful hint!

sas :thumbup
Riffy wrote:
they only have the chewable ones in the pharmacy (chewable gas x) should i juss try my best to give him that? and how much should i give him??

Is it chewable gas-x or gas-x with maalox?

Pipp, the one with maalox (i looked on drugstore.com) says it has calcium bicarbonate. Is that ok for buns to ingest?? Dose is 125 mgs - is that high??

Active Ingredients:(in each tablet):Calcium Carbonate (500 mg) (Antacid), Simethicone (125 mg) (Antigas)

Inactive Ingredients:Colloidal Silicon Dioxide, D&C Red 30, Dextrose, Flavor, Maltodextrin, Mannitol, Progelatinized Starch, Talc, Tribasic Calcium Phosphate

chewable gas x with semithicone only...diffrent flavors...i dont think he is going to eat it..should i just shove it in his mouth or grind it and give him it with water
If that's all they have, you'll have to take a quarter tab and mix it with a lot of water and give it to him that way.

As long has you're sure he's not having urinary issues, like straining to pee, it should be okay.

Baby drops are best though. The store doesn't have any?

sas :clover:
He really needs the fluids. That's the most important part at this stage. Lot of fluids. The canned pumpkin, too.

The gas is uncomfortable, but the stasis is very dangerous. Does the store have Pedialyte? If its one or the other, I'd go for fluids over gas meds.

sas :clover:
WhereRiffy lives, I'm not sure where she's going to find canned pumpkin this late at night. Some super/megamarkets have it, like Pathmark and Shoprite and Gristedesbut smaller ones or grocery storesis kind of a hit or miss. If they have the canned Pure Pumpkin, it'd be the baking aisle, next to stuff like cake mix, cherry pie filling and stuff like that...

I'm talking to Riffy on IM. She did say she had a small feeding syringe which would be good once she got hands on some Pedialyte! If all else fails (no simethicone, no pumpkin), I'd just try to get the Pedialyte in Frosty anyway I can.

How long has Frosty been not eating, actually? What does he USUALLY eat? If he's skinny, I would think it's not an overnight thing?

Warm towel or an old sock with uncooked rice (warm it in the microwave) would be good ways to give the bunny a heat source and warm up his body temp.
Yes, stasis is almost always a symptom of something else. The weight loss is a major concern. A real effort has to be made to find other symptoms.

Any wheezing? Any straining to pee? Any sludge in the urine? Past bouts of lethargy?

Still waiting for a rundown of his diet.

At this point, even plain water is good, and a well-soaked pellet slurry.

If the ER Vet isn't an option, hopefully a regular Vet in the morning is.

sas :pray:
they didnt have gas x.. so i bought infants mylicon simethicone anti gas

it says active ingredients in each 0.3 ml simethicone 20 mg

how much should i feed my rabbit of this?
Riffy wrote:
they didnt have gas x.. so i bought infants mylicon simethicone anti gas

it says active ingredients in each 0.3 ml simethicone 20 mg

how much should i feed my rabbit of this?

Ah, way better than GasX anyway.

How much does he weigh? I'd give him at least a whole dropper full every hour for three hours.

How is he?

sas :clover:
he is eating the cilantro ... the syringe only hold no more dan 0.6 .. should i give him more? i already gave him 0.6
Whew a lot has happened in this thread in a short period of time!

I would give him 1 to 1.5 mL of the simethicone you got. Repeat the dose in an hour if he's still not eating.

The other things (warmth, massage, pumpkin) are also very helpful! I'd put out a new bunch of hay as well--newer hay smells better and they like it more.

You can also force feed him simethicone, which is also found at a drug store--I'd give as many mL as he'll take, right after the simethicone dosing.

If you can't find canned pumpkin, pureed squash baby food is an ok substitute. I've used it in a pinch and it's pretty good for high fiber and low sugar count.

edit: Wanted to add that if a couple doses of simethicone don't do the trick, a bit of the ibuprofen liquid is not a bad idea, as long as you've gotten something in his belly and some water into him. A dosage calculator for ibuprofen is here:

Make sure not to give to him if he won't eat anything or drink anything--it can be hard on the stomach if its empty and on the kidneys if he's dehydrated.

For future reference, the Mylanta kind seems to have a basic ingredient in it--soduim bicarbonate, right? That's fine for humans with indigestion because we get an over-production of acid in the stomach, leading to heartburn. Bunnies don't have this problem or it's not as big a deal. In fact, the bacteria in their intestines do best in an acidic environment, so adding basic drugs to the stomach will make the whole GI tract more basic, which is the opposite of what you want--you want it to become more acidic. Most of the probiotics we recommend function only to increase the acidity of the GI tract.
Riffy wrote:
he is eating the cilantro ... the syringe only hold no more dan 0.6 .. should i give him more? i already gave him 0.6
:yahoo: Awesome news! If you can soak the cilantro in water for awhile before he eats it, even better. :)

How big is he? I'd give him another .6.

The tummy rubs, etc, may have helped the gas, but it does reform -- although when it goes away, the bunny usually perks up right away, like nothing was ever wrong.

However in this case, the small poops are a good indication its not just a 'something he ate' gas, it's a byproduct of his intestinal tract slowing down.

So the fluids and fiber are still very important. The cilantro will help alot.

What else does he normally eat?

pellets and veggies only...well he stopped eating theres alot left .i guess he is eating little by little....

edit: i just gave him another dose... 0.6 + 0.6 = 1.12 right? i guess dats how much i have given him in total
It would be really good to add some hay to his diet. That can keep his digestive tract working correctly, and prevent future slowdowns. In addition, many bunnies like to eat hay to keep them occupied. A rabbit's diet should primarily be made up of a good grass hay like Timothy.
When did he stop eating? What breed is he? And what brand of pellets? How many veggies?

Have you noticed any wetness around his mouth? Is he picking up veggies or pellets and dropping them? Does he look interested in food and then loses interest after he starts eating?

sas :?

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