Rabbit GI Stasis!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2021
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My bunny, Stormy stopped eating on Friday in the afternoon and was really uncomfortable, he was still pooping. When he didn't respond to at-home treatments, we took him to the emergency vet in the late evening and they gave him some fluids and a pain killer and sent him home with Meloxicam, Gabapentin, and Oxbow Critical Care. They said the pain killer they gave him could make him very sleepy for the night and morning, which it did. All Saturday he wouldn't poop or eat on his own and was super sleepy. We gave him the critical care and Sherwood's appetite restore to keep him hydrated. In the afternoon I got worried because I could hear his tummy growling from across the room which I assumed was gas build-up. I gave him lots of belly massages and that evening he finally had a few small poops. In the night he had a few small bites of a treat and a piece of lettuce. Today, he seems more comfortable and his tummy feels normal. AND... he has started eating pellets, a few strands of Timothy hay, parsley, and a few oats and digestive tablets on his own which is huge as he was getting really upset and difficult to feed the critical care. He has been peeing and having lots of small, misshapen poops but I assume this is okay as he is still getting back to normal eating habits. Do you think we should still try to feed him critical care even though he is eating a little on his own and gets really upset when we force-feed him?

My biggest concern is that he still seems very sleepy. He is definitely moving around more and is more alert. He came out to play and ran around for a little and has been free-roaming the bunny room most of the day. It says the Gabapentin can be a sedative and maybe that's what is affecting him? Is it normal for him to still be very drowsy?
I believe the drowsiness is from the gabapentin. You can give baby gas reducer and ask the vet for a GI motility drug if he doesnt seem all better. Our bunny Dutchess doesnt like critical care but loves fresh grass. Grocery stores usually sellalfalfa grass, and i trimmed some lawn grass and hand fed her that and carrot tops to get her eating again.
The Gabapentin is likely what is keeping her sedated. I would stop it and see what happens. Mylicon infant drops for gas. If you see less interest in eating and/or less poops, I would call your vet and ask for Reglan for gut motility. Syringe feeding is hard on both the owner and bunny but sometimes it needs to be done. Base whether you give it on appetite, pooping, and interaction with you. Better to lean on the side of caution and give it.
Gabapentin causes sedation.

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