Yugi was a 2 year old healthy boy the a week ago we took him to the vet cause he had discharge from the side of his mouth then we took him to the Tucson Arizona exotic hospital they said to give iv fluids, once a day, his penicillin shot 0.5 and his enrofloxacin 0.8 he was happy still and under weight about 4 pounds and he's supposed to 8 and they said his temperature was 97 to keep his room warm with a heater and heating pad fed 3 times a day 100ml of Critical care which we did and he was eating drinking well his stool he had a bit of diarrhea but it stopped cause we gave metronidazole 0.7 and he was still happy then then today at 3am we found him just sitting there then I called him which he usually comes and he fell I picked him up and got him to a other room to call the other emergency vet we got on our way there and in the car he wasn't responding and fighting but he had no control over his head and couldn't stand up so before we even get there he passed away and we just a blood test just coming today from the labs and the one blood test that was right away just there in the hospital was he was anemic his bone marrow wasn't good and he didn't have to many white blood cells but his lungs & teeth & heart was good and they will do a autopsy to see anything happening so no more of my bunnies pass away cause in a whole year I lost 6 I know they all in a different way but still I wish they were all here today and they still don't know how he got week and passed away so suddenly