Questions for people who own 2 or more rabbits!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
dfw, , USA
Hi so, before you bonded your rabbits (assuming you didn't already get them bonded already) were your bunnies friendly? Did they like to be pet? Were they cuddly/ "interacted" with you?
How did they change after you bonded them with another rabbit? Are they less interested in you now? Do they enjoy pets less now that they have another bunny to do all the grooming? Do they still like your company or do they just care about each other mainly now?

I'm really worried that my rabbits will be less social towards me. Because everytime I walk in my room both of my rabbits run up to the front of their cage and if I pet them they will stay there till I stop. I really don't want them to stop, they are so cute!
I doubt that will change with a spay. Female rabbits benefit big time from a spay for several reasons, a main one being they most often develop reproductive cancers and a spay prevents this. Not to mention you will have a non-hormonal happy rabbit.

Females can be spayed at 6months of age and Bucks when their berries drop.
Thanks, I am planning on spaying her when she is old enough but I was just wondering how your rabbits changed after you bonded them.
My 4 pound female Shya is pretty aloof to begin with. She's bonded to my 11 pound German giant Kai. Kai prefers the company of his beloved Shya but still enjoys his head rubs and nightly massages. I cant speak for everyone but it seems from what I've read on here most buns retain their personalities.
bonded bunnies have one sort of relationship with each other and a different sort with you - it's just like how you LOVE your bunnies, but that doesn't mean you don't want to have some human friends, too. they have enough room in their hearts to bond to their owner(s) and each other :)
My buns are more social with me now, but I think it has to do with a lot more than just the bunny bond they have. They're just happier in general because they have a bigger rabbitat when I'm gone. My one bun that wouldn't let me get near him is a lot less skittish now and I can sneak in pets at times. I think sometimes he thinks it's just my other bun touching him. lol. They didn't change a whole lot, just seem happier now.
I've heard so many different stories from people it kinda makes me nervous :p That is a very good way to help explain things a bit, Imbrium! Very true, just worried they'll get tired of pets cause they'll be grooming each other so often, oh well! I hope things turn out well
I have 6 buns with 3 m/f pairs plus two pairs that will play with each other (semi-bonded?). Two of the pairs had previous spouces who have gone over the bridge, so a total of 5 different bonded pairs over time. Cinderella was the only bun who really changed with the bonding, and it was for the better. She was super shy but after Houdini she gained confidence (would follow him into adventures) and learned from him that snuggles were good. She ended up being a big kisser. :kiss1:

The rest still have the basic same personality. Becky demands 30 minutes of time to herself daily (not petting Gary at the same time! *thumps*) or I get the butt at dinner time. Panda and Bunnicula run to see me when I come into the house and if I hold Bunnicula too long Panda will start to chew on my socks demanding to have his turn.

I think the great thing about the bond is that I don't have to worry about them being lonely when I'm not home. It also gives them a sort of comfort that I can't give during trips or vet appointments, during times of stress. I think they also enjoy having a partner in crime to hatch plans with. :)
Aw that is so great, MiniLopHop! I agree, all of you have brought up interesting points/ experiences, thank you!
Mine didn't change at all Bucklry and Bella are semi-bonded and they are both still as loving towards me, and Alice was an alone bun for nearly 2 years and now she has 2 bunny friends and hasn't changed at all, infact she actually got friendlier!
i have had two sets of bonded pairs. In my limited experience. It doesn't really change their personality. Buck was very hand friendly to everyone and was even after he fell in love with Molly. Molly was skiddish when I got her and skiddish through and through. Now Stark and Peanut - Peanut would rather have rabbit friends than humans. She never really bonded to me (although I haven't tried too much, my priority was bonding her and Stark first). Stark is very hand friendly but if Peanut scurries, he think he needs to scurry. I think that with time, bunnies will be able to be bonded to both you and each other. Everything you introduce a new bond, it is stressful and will take time. Multiple bonding take time.
Mine didn't change either. Agnes (my first bun) is my heart bunny. Super affectionate and follows me around constantly. She is still like that even though she has a new husbun in life :)

As most have said, it doesn't change their personalities. They have a different relationship with humans than other buns.
I think that with mine it made my bond with them get closer. For one thing they get out to run more. Before they were bonded (they are not bonded now, long story) they would always avoid me. Now when they are out to run they both come up to me every so often for pets and cuddles. They are much friendlier to me now.

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