Question About NIC Cubes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
Reaction score
Whitby, Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone,

I would love to build my little boy his own large place tolive. I keep hearing about these NIC cubes that u assembleyourself and however which way you want to. But my questionis does anyone know if you can buy these things in Canada, and if soanyone have any ideas. I've checked out the home depot site,but they didn't have anything on there.

If anyone could kep that'd be great!! Thanks a bunch!

Hi Crystal,

Most places won't have them listed online. You'll have to gointo the store and talk with someone. Most of the time theycan be found in the shelving or organizational sections.

Home Depot, London Drugs, Costco (though not all the time, but best bargain) all carry them.

Try using this websites "Find Material" database:

Just keep looking, and ignore the crazy look some people give you whenyou try to describe them... You find them somewhere, and theyare so awesome!

I'll definately check those places out. Thank you very much

Also I came across a website at some point and it was step by step howthis girl put her NIC cubes together and exactly what she used, andstupidly I didn't bookmark it. It was really neat and a goodreference for when I go and attempt to build this. Anyonehave any idea what site I'm referring to?

Thanks a bunch
:hello Crystalballl

I don't know if you have Target's or WalMart's inCanda but they have a brand of NIC cubes called Organize-It Cubes for$14.95, you get 23 cube sections and 25 clips. They come in manydifferent colors but others colors cost a little more.

Sears has them also but their $32 there.:shock2:

Heres a pic of the cage my 2 little girls made for our bunny.

This cage took 1-1/2 Boxes and it is aprox. 30 in.Deep 45 in.High and 60 in. Wide.

Just make sure you use Electrical wire ties along with the clipsbecause an active Bunny can knock it apart without them!.Oh!:no:

:goodluck And Have Fun! Oh! I alsohavemore online links of where to orderif you'd like them!


"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"

We do have Walmart here. I'll check there.

That's an awesome cage your girls built. I recently movedBandit in to this computer room so I can really build him a nice sizecage now. Can't wait to do it.

May have to wait until after Christmas though, but we'll see :)

Thanks for the info
Crystalballl wrote:
We do have Walmart here. I'll check there.

That's an awesome cage your girls built. I recently movedBandit in to this computer room so I can really build him a nice sizecage now. Can't wait to do it.

May have to wait until after Christmas though, but we'll see :)

Thanks for the
Hey Crystal

Try Bed Bath and Beyond, that is where I got mine. Are you the same Crystal from Etherbun that I told about a vet?

Hi there - I'm in Toronto and Igot mycubes at Home Depot in their storage and organization section (with allthe shelves and baskets etc). They're Rubbermaid brand.

I have also seen the same ones at Walmart.

I Found the Cubes!!!! Woo Hoo!! Boughtthem today, I got them at Home Depot. I'm not sure how manyI'll need but I bought a box of them (26 squares) and then I bought apackage (which contains 13). So we'll see what we come upwith :)

I'll definately post a picture when our hard work is done. May take a couple days hehehehe

With that many cube panel you should get a cageabout the size of Mongo's Mansion, Oh! Don't forget the top andreinforce every sectionwith th electrical ties, some bunniescan climb pretty good.:shock2:

Mike E.

"Tell Me,I'll Forget"
"Show Me,I'll Remember"
"Involve Me,I'll Understand"


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