Pulling Fur?

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Mar 16, 2005
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My dutch rabbit has begun to pull her own furout, possibly also pulling the fur off of our other rabbit. We watchedher sit there and yank the fur right off of her body, and she had amouthful of it. It isn't like the fur is loose and she's just sheddingit; you can hear her rip it out. Is there any reason a rabbit would dothis?

Also, sometimes she will honk at you if you try to pet her, in her cage or otherwise. Why is she so aggressive?
I'm not an expert, but usually a doe will do thatwhen she is pregnant and building a nest. Is it possible shecould be pregnant or maybe having a false pregnancy?
How long have you had your rabbits? Do you think maybe you could be wrong about the sex of the other bunny?

Yes, a false pregnancy is when the doe thinks she is pregnant when she is not.

I'm really sorry that I'm not of much help when it comes to thistopic. I'm sure that someone else will be able to help youmore.
we've had them maybe 2 months at the most.

We could be wrong about the sex of the rabbits. on the dutch (Sandy),her nipples are pretty prominent, so I think it's safe to say she's ashe. the other bunny (Amber) sometimes tried to hump Sandy's head.Sandy would try the humping sometimes, so we figured it was just one ofthose weird things horny rabbits did?

I've had one rabbit before, and it was a male, so I don't know much about females. thanks for the help tho
is there some way to stop her? she's pulling out still more fur, this can't be healthy for her
That looks like a doe building a nest to me...Give her a box to have the babies in (as a precaution)... and on theother rabbit, Amber, when you hold (I'm gonna say Him) on his back andlook in his "nether regions" are you able to see his "package"... Iwould definately try to determine his proper sex.

Here's a good link to get you started and give you a good idea of what to look for:

To start: http://www.rabbitnetwork.org/articles/sexing.shtml
Boys - http://www.rabbitnetwork.org/articles/sexingboys.shtml
Girls - http://www.rabbitnetwork.org/articles/sexinggirls.shtml

Good Luck and I Hope all goes well for you :)

well as far as we can tell Amber is indeed Amber (rather than Andy or the like :p)

I noticed 2 small bulbs on either side of her genitals. I've heard ofpeople thinking the testes on their male bunny are actually scentglands on their female bunny? maybe that's what these are? they'repretty small, WAY too small to be testicles to me (my old male bunnyhad some pretty big ones, they were definitely noticeable)
Are these pics pitures of the Dutch ?? The onepulling fur ? Because it looks to me , tho a side view would be betterthat this one in the picture is female
zpyro wrote:
****py pics, I don't know if you can determine one way or the other from them but here it is anyways


WOW! Good Pics! That definately looks like a doe to me, but I'm a little confused... you said...

zpyro wrote:
I noticed 2 small bulbs on eitherside of her genitals. I've heard of people thinking the testes on theirmale bunny are actually scent glands on their female bunny? maybethat's what these are? they're pretty small, WAY too small to betesticles to me (my old male bunny had some pretty big ones, they weredefinitely noticeable)
Is there any way to get a picture of that? Because 2 "bulbs" on eitherside would be testicles, does it look anything like this and located inthe same place (regardless of their size, big or small)?:


I was thinking the bulbs could be testicles as well.

They might be furry if the bunnies are small or young I think, and then larger sometimes are not.

The testicles are sort of to the side of the genitals. sortof like \o/ The lines being where they are and they are sortof long that way.

I hope this helps. Sometimes it's so hard to describe how to sex a bunny and other things that are visual.
this is about the best pic I can get of whateverthose parts are :p you can see it in that little open space just to theleft of the genitals
and Sandy has stopped pulling fur, but she doesn't seem to eat much andis pretty skinny for a rabbit that supposedly is pregnant :?
That's a pic of the one that could be a male? and has the little "nubs"?

It's hard to see, but if those are at all raised on either side of the main genital area...... you have a boy.

It's really hard to see them in young ones and they can actually TUCKthem back up inside.... so I'm wondering if that's what he's doinghere.

Well I just checked on Sandy, and she has thesame little nubs Amber does. so whether that means they're boys orgirls, it seems they're both the same gender.

and I read somewhere about feeling the pregnant bunny for things thatfeel like marbles and those would be the babies, and I don't feel athing. I'm pretty sure this is one of those "pseudopregnancies" andshe's just frustrated :p

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