Pulling Fur?

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zpyro wrote:
this is about the best pic I can get of whatever those parts are:p you can see it in that little open space just to the left of thegenitals
and Sandy has stopped pulling fur, but she doesn't seem to eat much andis pretty skinny for a rabbit that supposedly is pregnant :?

Okay! I see what you mean, and Yes, those are the "scent glands" so tosay. My Vote and Opinion is that Amber is a Girl. And Kudo's to you forthe great pics!... I've never been able to get any near as clear asthat!

Has Sandy been around any other bunnies (old or young) in the last month or so? Other than Amber?

Typically when a doe (at least my does and several friends doe's too)comes close to giving birth (within a few hours to a few days before),she will pull fur and build her nest and during this time several doe'stypically will go off feed as well.

If she hasn't been around any other rabbit over the course of the lastmonth or so... then yes, I would guesstimate that she is having a FalsePregnancy and no worries. But if she has, I would give her a box justin case ;)

SunnieBunnie Rabbitry wrote:
Okay! I see what you mean, and Yes, those are the "scentglands" so to say. My Vote and Opinion is that Amber is a Girl. AndKudo's to you for the great pics!... I've never been able to get anynear as clear as that!
I must be brain-dead or something! I never even thought of the scent glands! and kinda forgot about them honestly!

I think I am getting senile! :X
neither of the bunnies have been in contact with any other bunnies, so it's safe to say that she's faking it :p

what kind of camera did you use when trying to take pics? I just have a little 2 megapixel sony, with no zoom or focus :?