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*laughs* Laura,

In listening to you, I'm hearing myself describe a night with Tucker and me.

What a Love!

Heavy?! He's6 lbs! At least I think. Hetried to stand on my head but couldn't get all feet on and fell off theother side, I caught him on the way down! He's a funny bunny. Mochajust wants pets and treats and would rather be on my lap or chest, notthe shoulder.

Wuups! Pardon me, but that's a Big Six Pounds!


Let's just say you can tell their spoiled.

(Lucky Ducks!) They hit the gold mine when they captured your heart.

We have a weigh scale in the kitchen that's actually meant for turkey or something, but I put them in that! lol, it's accurate.

Here's the other spoiled brat. He bit my cheek because apparently myface was in the wrong spot, he wanted to go there! He looks absolutelyhuge in this picture, I assure you, he's smaller then Spice, butdoesn't he look comfy?!

Laura, Moch, & Spice
My bunnies are so spoiled, they don't know what abad life is. Even if worst came to worst and I ever had to get rid ofthem (I hope not!) I'd ensure they only got the best home! I can see italready, ;)background checks and lie detectortestson all applicants that want to take them! lol, but fornow, I'm perfectly happy to keep my 2 spoiled rotten brats with me.

Laura, Moch, & Spice
Here's my little man in my jacket, he likes to do this.

Poor quality due to the fact it's a webcam, a cheap one.

Laura, Moch, & Spice
Aww!! Cute pictures, the jacket one is adorable!:D LOL poor Carolyn Tucker makes her sit on the floor lolhe's too much! Oreo just climbs on me, never really stays there. It wasso cute when she was a baby before she knew she could jump by herself..I'd sit indian style on the floor & she'd climb up my leg andwalk to my knee.. then jump off it onto the floor lol she got such akick out of it she'd turn around come back and do it all overagain..til she figured out she could do cooler things on herown lol!:D

Oreo's being a brat tonight lol I had one of those lil bathroom cups& put more food in her bowl & then she pulled the cupout of my hand when I finished dumping it lol so I took it from her& put it on her head like a hat ahaha! Then she got mad and puther head down to make it fall off & swatted at it with herfront paws and made it go flying to the otherside of the cage!! rofl!!:D

Laura, these are the most DARLINGpictures! I've said it once and I'll say it again, those twoare just such beautiful bunnies, and they're so fortunate to have sucha great bunny mom!

My Sherman is the very personification of a spoiled bunnyalso. My husband and I were joking the other day that we havehim so spoiled that he couldn't survive five minutes alone in the frontyard! lol! ... And I don't think that he remembershis foster home at all, despite the fact that he's only beenwith us such a relatively short period of time (about twomonths???)!
lol, thanks. They're getting big heads from all these compliments! And they aren't that big, quite small really.

Laura, Moch, & Spice

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