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lol, I put him out in his run so he could stretchhis legs. He flopped over and with his front paws starting pullinghimself accross the ground and turning himself in circles, he wasdragging his back legs. Nothings wrong with him, he got up and binkiedafter this, maybe he had an itch!

Laura, Moch, & Spice

P.S.- HB104, I hope you have room for one more rabbit there!Apparently Spice likes the looks of Jade and Jez's party picture.;)He's digging his way to China right now. And we all thoughtSpice was innocent!
Yeah! Isn't that a big enough present for arabbit??? lol. I don't even get presents that big anymore! :( I'mhoping my mom will buy me a digital camera for Christmas! :)
It's big enough! But my Spiceling is spoiled rotten, being my baby and all. Mocha's spoiled too, but he's my brat. ;)
It's amazing the difference an hour makes in this forum! :shock:

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I have to second the emotion of Bunnymommy in saying to MyBunnyLovesMe(MBLM) that the talent she has in design and computer graphics isreally special.

Michelle, you say that it was just fun and you were playing around. -Wow!- The best talents born muttered those words.

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You'll have to post your site when it's up and ready.

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Wuups! I forgot that Mocha and Spice are from the Lovely Canada. Here I was putting a pitch in for the American holidays.

Well, M&SMom whatever is the next holiday in Canada, Mocha andSpice would be the perfect representatives for it. With their beauty,and your gift of photography, color, and design, I'd say you've got amatch.

Carolyn wrote:
Tuckeris a Tyrannt tonight! I actually had to shoot him with the watergun andhe's Way beyond that. Must be the full moon from Tuesday night.

Poor Tucker! He gets norespect!! lol!
Thanks guys :) I feel so...not embarrassed... Idunno... lol. Our next holiday...hmm... well Mother's Day is thisweekend but that's not really a holiday, the next holiday would beVictoria Day!! w00t! Long Weekend!!! :)
Ya Carolyn! Poor, poor forgotten, unrespectedTucker. Lmao, just kidding, he loves you and is just testing you.Mocha's been unusually good *suspicious look* maybe he's plottingsomething!

I'll get pictures of them sometime soon, not really any holidays exceptVictoria Day, and I don't even know what that's about! lol.

Laura, Moch, andSpice
I think Victoria Day is the memorial day for Queen Victoria.....not sure...but...meh! :)

* Laughing Hysterically!! *


T U C K E R ? ? ? ?

Oh Good Lord! I have Met My Match!

There you go again, trying to convince us thatlittle Tucker was being bad! How do you expect us to believe you?! He'sso innocent looking. Do you really expect anyone to believe you? lol,just kidding, just kidding. He's a devil in diguise :p or perhaps he'san angel that stepped off his cloud for a bit lol!

Laura, Moch, &Spice
haha if Tucker Bucker is so bad, what does thatmake Megan?!?! Gee she must be Satan herself...or worst... lol Haitis??I dont know what's
Laura...actually I do have room :p that the evidence is all in plain view for the world to see,my girls are so embarrassed that they have been seen drinking tea,quite daintily I might add, in order to correct the publicsmisconception of their wild and wicked ways! So you might want to tellbirthday boy (and believe me, he is quite the looker-so I wouldn't wantthem fighting over him)Spice his diggin will be all in vain...


so sorry, *grin grin*
Well if you don't want the girls fighting, I'll send Mocha with Spice. ;)One for each! lmao.

Laura, Moch, & Spice


Just what Tucker needs: More Power.

With friends like you, who need enemies?

I'll just retreat to my corner and hope that Tucker lets me sit there.

lol Carolyn! He probably won't let you sitthere!:pHere's a picture of me and my snuggle bug (Spice), hethinks he's a parrot I swear! he loves to sit on my shoulder!

Laura, Moch, & Spice
That's the sweetest picture, M&SMom!

Actually, I purposely sit on the floor in front of my couch so that Iget frequent visits from Tucker. He's most comfortable when he'sresting his paws on my shoulders.

I take the floor, he has the couch.

The things ya do for Love!

It's amazing how much we let out bunnies order usaround! Here I am sitting with him, and he starts to nudge my handhard. He is not at all subtle when he wants something, so I pet him abit and then stop, so he tries again, I ignore him, so he startsclawing at my shoulder, so I pet him, then after a while he startclawing my coat and biting it! This tells me he wants back outside. Assoon as I get up and walk around, he's calm and still as can be, what abooger! I told you he's spoiled! At least he doesn't bite me.

Laura, Moch, & Spice

P.S.- Yes Carolyn, the things we do for love, Spice gave me a fur ball from the way he was sitting!

P.S. You better watch your collarbone. Sir Spice seems a bit heavy for your petite bone structure!


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