Princess Kirby's Palace

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I got some alfalfa sprout nomming pictures. She LOVES this stuff.






Kirby was spayed 2 weeks ago and recovered great! She is back to her normal self. I feel like she has a wayyyy bigger appetite now, though.
Oh my gosh I love her! What a beautiful bunny. She has such a long, elegant, unique face too! SO glad to hear you rescued her from such reprehensible conditions >:'(

This pic is great, btw:

pocketsizedrhino wrote:
Thanks guys! :)
She has such a pretty face, I love the three dots above her eye! Her two nose dots are pretty cute too.

I'm excited for when she gets older and mellows out a bit. She can't sit still. I want bunny cuddles!
Kirby traveled home for the holidays with me and met my sister's cat last night. The cat, Josie, is terrified of everything... mostly the dog. She was also scared of Kirby! We kept a very close eye on them, Josie isn't much of a predator so I wasn't too worried. She did slap Kirby once and Kirby ran away really fast.
Here are the pictures!


I started petting her on the forehead and she actually flopped down to lay!! She usually just stays in a bunny loaf when I pet her so this was different and cute!

Picture dump here all you want!!! We love pictures

Her story is so sad, I don't know how people can be like that...but I'm glad she's with you. she looks so happpy
It looks so goofy when she lays like that, she looks broken.

I have been trying to rearrange my room so I can have room for a Critter Nation cage for my rats. I squished Kirby's cage into a different shape more like a 2 x 4 but I added another vertical row of panels so its a biiiit bigger (it bows out in the front). Now I can move that shelf in the picture to my closet and move my dresser over where it is.
Right now that side of my room has a rat cage, a desk annnnd the dresser and my closet door along the same wall! It is so crowded. This is going to look so much better! Plus Kirby has some more space!
I still need to attach her shelf back on.
She is at my parent's house right now because my sister is pet sitting for me while I'm in Ohio Sunday - Wednesday.

I'm finally back home! Kirby was doing alright under my sister's care. I don't think she gave her as much hay as I would have liked but she is back on her regular feeding schedule with me and I just got a 14lb box of hay from Sweet Meadow farms, along with some apple branches that I haven't given her yet. It is very rainy today and the hay felt like it had absorbed some of the moisture from the air but I left the box open for it to dry out.

She was in a big dog airline crate that I use at my parents house so I don't have a tow a NIC cage over. It is big enough but the only ventilation is on the two small windows along the top sides and the front door so I dump her litter every night and change her blanket more often to keep ammonia from building up in there. She did some sneezes last night when I got home but hasn't done any yet today. I'm keeping a close eye on her.
My grandma gave me a large Marchioro cage that has a footprint of 40" x 21" (I think..) so that is my new cage to keep at my parent's house. No more ventilation worries!
Thanks Denise! :)

I haven't heard any more sniffles out of Kirby so maybe there was just some dust around or getting her out of the crate into the new cage helped.
Here is what the "vacation home" looks like:


My grandma used to have guinea pigs and she hasn't been able to sell her old cages. I got that one along with a smaller 30"x18" footprint cage that I can use for rat quarantine or I could even attach it to my existing 30"x18" cage that my rats use when I bring them to my parents to make it extra tall! Ooooh I just now thought of that! :D
I'm going to show off my bedroom! I just remodeled Kirby's cage AGAIN. I incorporated a cage to try and contain her hay mess a bit better. Now she has a kitchen/bathroom and a separate living quarter. The cage opens at the top so I can change things out easy and it is blocked off from her jumping up on top. Her hay bin fits perfectly for storage. I really like this set up!

Anyway.. here is my room...







My rats get free range on my bed every now and then, here is the set up I make for them:


And here is one of the boys, (I have three) Dooley:
let me start by saying-kirby is just soooo adorablee!!!!

i love the setup you have for kirby-i wish the boys were neutered and bonded so i can have them in an NIC condo like little kirby over there :)

ahh cuteeee rattiee too!!!!:)
Kirby is finally maturing and being less destructive. The spay might have helped with that too. Whatever did it I am grateful!! She has been allowed more out time than she used to get. I used to have to watch her like a hawk because she chewed baseboards, furniture, dug up the carpet.. she was awful.
She was out in the living room last night when I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and two other friends. My friends loved her and one of them kept crawling around the floor after her for pets. Lol. Kirby had a lot of fun with all the people around and binkied everywhere.
She's out here again with me this morning. I wish she would stay still for pets!

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