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yup....i know i shouldnt but i just loveee spoiling my babeys...people think im mad giving them the spareroom...its not even a small room to be honest its quite large lol

i did seriusly upset me when people said i was irrasponsible,didnt care orshouldnt havepets at all...hunny it mostly in my arms at night and she falls asleep...soo cute lol her nickname is little man coz when she sits there she pulls this face and she sort of looks like a sorry

i have another question (god im such a pain the ass lol)i saw hunny paw digging right into ivos belly is that bad its just incase ivois pregnant i dont want her getting hurt
I just wanted to say, good luck with it all, I hope everything goes well no matter what happens!!!:bunnydance::bunnydance:

And, I'm very sorry Sas, but on the accidentalbreeding thing,it happens so easily, it's happened to us and we don't even have a boy rabbit!!!!!:shock:Don't want to cause anymore arguing, just felt I had to say that:)

Peg, I love that they call you the Bunny Lady!!:D I get called Rabbit girl at school a lot:rollseyes
Yeah, I think I could be called a lot worse things than bunny lady...

I love my rabbits. I cry if they're ill or if they pass away...I laugh when they binky and I love to rub noses with them. I hav ebeen playing with one cage of them to teach them "peek-a-boo". Ok...HE started it....but the mama caught on.

As far as being responsible....I think everybody should know how to balance their checkbook, never have an overdraft, and make all sorts of smart choices. To me - those are "common sense" but I've learned that what is "common" to some folks...isn't to others. I once tried talking about this with Art and mentioned "horse sense" and he said, "And since when do I look like a horse to you?"

So accidents happen - whether it is with rabbits or other things. As long as we learn from it and move on....that seems to me what life isabout.

Hon - we're here for you - whether she has babies or not. Just know that - ok?

Ok, I want to clarify something here- You said that the accident only happened two weeks ago? But you are feeling movements like babies in there? Here is a question I had thought of. Is it possible that someone else could have been playing with the rabbits and let them all out, or they could have escaped while you were at school and been put back by your mom, or something?
well not that i know of..the thing is i got benji 2 days befor the accident and she wasnt near any males before hand...i mean the vet said she was a girl unless the vet doesnt know what shes doing then i dont know i guess i just have to wait and seewhat happends its really confusing
Is there ANY chance the other rabbit she's with could be a boy? A for sure they are both female? Sometimes the gender fairy can come along, and a bunny you think is a girl one day becomes aboy the next! :shock:;)

You never know!

Keep us updated! :)
Do you have a vet appointment set up now?

I think everybody here will agree that to be a truly responsible bunny slave, you have to have the funds to get themchecked out, spayed and neutered.Yes, it was an accident, but honestly, if she is pregnant, while we maysympathize, I really don't think that this is not the type of breeding program people herein theRabbitry wouldcondone.

I'mnotsure giving mixed breedkits to another breeder is going to do anything to change things, not sure what the plan is there, but maybe it would be better that they go to homes where they too will for sure be spayed and neutered. NB: You're not only responsible for Ivo's potential offspring, but her offspring's offspring.

I can't find it at the moment, but Pam Nock posted a thread once about the potential ofone breeding pair of rabbits.It becomes painfully clear why there are so many rabbits in shelters (or set free to become a quick meal at the bottom of thefood chain).

Right now the best thing to dois to get them to vet and have them all checked, get Benji neutered pronto, and make arrangementsforthe girls, even if it meanssaving yourallowance and stepping up the babysitting/car washing/odd jobs fund or however you earn extra cash.

I really hope you understand this. It's clear you love your rabbits and take great care of them,but if she's pregnant, the buck doesn't stop here.

hi just want to let everyone know i took hunny and ivo to the vets....hunny is DEFFINATLY female..and ivo IS pregnant they said she must be 3 weeks....she said she couldnt really tell but it was around about there she also got me to feel a part and there was this thing bulging out..and then it slowly went away again...i am actually quite happy a bit exited lol
Did they do x-rays to find out? I ask this because in my area, the vets are not experienced enough to palpate rabbits. Just remember to put a nestbox in soon. Congrats!!!

I'm just now catching up on this thread and would like to add my thoughts as a breeder. (They may shock some).

Please don't pass these babies on to a breeder. You do not know what type of life they will have. Some breeders will do back to back breedings and the girls will be continually pregnant and nursing. From what I understand - some breeds of rabbits (like the larger meat producers) have sort of been designed for that and they handle it fairly well...but smaller, exotic breeds aren't designed to do this.

First of all - your rabbits are mixed breed rabbits..that is - the offspring will be. It is my understanding that a large portion of the people who look to adopt from a shelter...look for a purebred. They go in thinking, "I want a lop" or "I want a lionhead" - not "I want a mutt bunny".I'm not knocking mixed breeds...just saying it can be harder to find them homes.

Secondly - from what I'm hearing- there in the UK - your shelters are being overrun by rabbits - and they have a no-kill policy. By giving or selling your rabbits to a breeder - the offspring of your rabbits - if not your rabbits themselves - may very well wind up in a shelter and cost someone money to feed, house, give vet care to, etc.

Do the responsible thing for these babies and for your rabbits. The responsible things are:

a. Get your male soon as possible. Like Pipp said, now is the time to step up to the plate and get extra jobs to take responsibiltiy for this...deliver newspapers, sell some of your stuff - but EARN the money yourself. Maybe it will help you to not have "accidents" again.

b. Find homes for the babies where they will be in SINGLE RABBIT homes - OR - if they are going to multi-rabbit homes - YOU educate them on the dangers of not getting a rabbit neutered. Make them understand the rabbits MUST be separated - they can't "play" together and that it is irresponsible for them to do so.

In other words - educate them with what we've tried to help you learn.

I may sound vehement - but I just lost my rabbit that I bred when she was a pet. I wound up seeing her immune system shut down months later and I truly believe the reason I lost my beloved because I bred her even though I think my gut told me not to.

You've had an "accident"...and we understand accidents can happen. But now do the right thing...use what you've learned and help others avoid the accidents.

thankx for that..yeah i wont be giving them to a breeder...just my mums friend who is a breeder shes exelent with rabbits at her home she has a coulple of mixed she said shel take on one of the babeys working in a hospital at the moment anyway so ill get the money soon then it will be over lol
kimmeh_121 wrote:
thankx for that..yeah i wont be giving them to a breeder...just my mums friend who is a breeder shes exelent with rabbits at her home she has a coulple of mixed she said shel take on one of the babeys working in a hospital at the moment anyway so ill get the money soon then it will be over lol

What if your bunny has more than one baby? Do you think she will take them all on?

Good on you for working in the hospital :D
no she wont take them all shell take one of them as a pet or maybe a pair...but not will take time to sell them all but ill sell them iv got seperate cages aswell so they wont be mixed up either :D

and just in case ivo doesnt want them im prepared for that also

Sounds like you've got the situation under control now.

So you've got a nest box, seperate cages for babies, lots of hay, and you've been reading up? What about having a bit of KMR (kitten milk replacer) on hand in case you need to hand feed some of the babies.

I also make sure I have something to warm babies in case they are born out of the nest or mom doesn't pull fur (which is very possible being a first time mom). I use a heating pad set on low with a towel on top. You want to only put the towel (I scrunch in up into a nest shape) only half on the heating pad, so if they get too hot, they can crawl into a cooler section.

If you haven't read up on warming up cold babies, you should do some google searches and read up on it.

I've lost a baby or two from them being cold, and not being able to warm them up quickly enough.

If you have any questions at all, no matter how silly they may see, please ask. Now is the time to learn as much as you can and get everything prepared.

I would also start advertising for homes once the babies are born. Stating the date they will be available.

well i havnt got that sort of heater but could i put them near a radiator on really low??all iv got to get is the kitten milk replacer then im prepared hopfully so if shes 3 weeks would she be due in about a week then??i just wana be properly prepared and be there lol i wouldnt want to miss it:shock:
She kindle in about a week if the vet said she's in week three, then I would make sure she has everything she'll need for building a nest from now on.

I have a powdered KMR, which I like because I can put it in the freezer, and it doesn't go bad like canned KMR. But what ever you can get your hands on will work.

Do you have a hot water bottle? That would work too. There's also a method using warm water and a plastic baggie, but I can't find anything on google right now.

Or you could always stick them in your bra...

Normally a doe will give birth with in a few hours of pulling fur. Wildfire was running around all frantic and pulling fur and stuffing it in the nest. She gave birth about 2 hours after that started.

im just really worried about her rejecting them...i mean normaly my room has always got the heater on and it gets really hot in my room but i dont know will that warm them up...cause trust me it does get quite hot in my room the heater is on 24/hrs...if it gets really hot i open the window just a tiny bit let some air in but thats about it...will that be too dangerous for the babeys do ya think??

i dont wana harm would actually be quite interesting to see how the turn out...i still havnt even figured out what breed ivo is...i mean what sort of lop lol x
Don't be afraid to touch the babies! I have yet to see a mother reject babies because of a person touching them. It is very important to check over each baby to make sure they have nothing wrong with them, and to find any left over after births to throw them away.

Best bet is to use a hot water bottle or stick the babies in your shirt/bra if they are born out of the nest and cold.

Most does will give birth at night. Wildfire gave birth at about midnight with her last litter.


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