I was not going to respond to this but I am going to go ahead and do so.
Where I live - the nearest rabbit rescue is 200 miles away....and that is one way. When I called our local animal shelter to see about rabbits(before I started breeding and before I had Tiny), I was told "Uh....we only handle cats and dogs. If you're looking for a rabbit maybe yous hould go to the feed store or to San Antonio to a pet store."
Great...the local animal shelter told me to travel 150 miles in hopes that a pet store would have rabbits.
Most of my customers - are repeat customers. No - I don't mean customers who are looking to breed. I mean customers who fell in love with their rabbit and would like to get it a friend. Customers who not only fell in love with a rabbit...but perhaps convinced a friend to get a rabbit...and they're returning bringing their friends for a rabbit.
Where would they go if I wasnt' here? They would check at the feedstore for a rabbit...oh - have I mentioned that I've had three people who bought from the feed store and wound up having the rabbit get sick or be so unsocialized that they wanted to return it? Did I mention I taught them how to socialize the rabbit? I went out to one house this weekend and not only sexed their rabbit for them (they bought two rabbits of mine hoping to have them be friends with their rabbit- and they've already scheduled their spays/neuters at the only vet who will do them - 70 miles away one way).
I'm not saying every breeder is a responsible breeder. Our local vet in town says, "Go to this vet (70 miles away) if you need help because we don't know what to do." I had someone call me and say, "help! My rabbithas diaherrea..I hear you know about rabbits." Guess what? We saved its life.
My point?
Rescues are there because people DUMP animals. They (people in general- not rescuers) have a mindset that it is ok to dump ananimal - that it is a lifetime commitment. Sometimes they got the rabbit from a breeder - but I see more "mutt" rabbits in shelters than I see purebreds.
One thing that really ticks me - is how breeders get treated by many folks. You look at this board....have a health question? How many times do you see the breeders stepping in to help in the infirmary? Or somebody adopts a rabbit from a shelter and what do they want to know?What type of rabbit it is....who answers? Most of the time...it is a breeder.
I'm going to use Pam Nock as an example here. She is one of our most respected members and prolific posters. Have a question? Ask Pam. If she doesn't know the answershe'll find it out. How did she get so knowledgable? She studied about rabbits and genetics because she is a breeder.
I think you will find that this board is one of the most breeder-friendly (and forgiving) boards on the net. If someone's made a mistake - we want them to learn from it and go on -but why beat them up? Not everyone has the common sense we wish they would have.....even adults.
I will say this - I respect rescue organizations. I respect shelters and I respect those who aim to help the bunnies.
I have a rabbit here - spayed - named Connie. One of the ugliest lionheads I've ever seen. I drove over halfway to Houston to get her -because a shelter was going to put her down for her teeth. They need clipping every few weeks.
Needless to say - I have very little respect for that shelter. She's very happy living a full life here in this "breeder's" home.
So I'll continue being a breeder and converting people in my area to"bunny people". I'm becoming known in town as "the bunny lady" and I get calls for help from folks who heard about me. Everyone who adopts a rabbit from me is given an instruction sheet and is told "I'd rather have you call me at midnight or 2 am and bring your bunny over for me to help - then to have you call me at 7 am crying that your rabbit died."
I've had people bring me their bunnies to get their nails trimmed, their fur trimmed if it went too far into their eyes (teddy style lionheads), to be sexed and much much more. I never charge for it - and I always try to educate the people.
So I guess I'll close this by saying I am a breeder - and by golly -I'm PROUD of it. I love on every single rabbit I have and I know eachof them not only by name - but their habits, their favorite toys, their favorite treats and much much more.
bunsterlove1969 wrote:
Gentle Giants,please dont fob me off with the old 'breeders are no different.......'spiel! Breeders ARE different to rescues. Breeders only add to thenumber of unwanted buns out there, and to be honest, it IS NOT fair ofthe bun either.