Pregnancy Thread

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Just Beware my brother was told he was having a girl and guess what Surpise the new Bundle of joy turned out to be a boy. So don't buy everything in Pink.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Just Beware my brother was told he was having a girl and guess what Surpise the new Bundle of joy turned out to be a boy. So don't buy everything in Pink.


That happened to my friend as well. All of the baby shower things she got were pink, yellow, and light colors. Out pops a boy and she has to return most things in exchange for more "boyish" colors but kept a few just in case there's a girl in her future ;)
Hey Guys,

Well it's been a while since I wrote on this thread. Just thought I'd update everyone with our news. We had our 3D ultrasound done on January 14th and we FINALLY found out, we're having a Girl! We're very excited. We've had her name picked out since I was only a few weeks pregnant. Her name will be Makenna Claire.

Here are 2 of our favourite pictures from the 3D ultrasound. We love them all but I'll only post the 2.

She loved her hands, was constantly sucking on them and stuff so they're in most of the pictures, this first one is everyone's favourite. (We can tell already she's got her Daddy's nose)


The second is her waving at us :) Too cute!


That's all for now.

Crystal (& Soon to be 'Big Brother' Bandit and 'Big Sister' Holly)
Hey, Thanks so much!

I still have about 13 weeks to go. I feel great though! Couldn't of asked for a better pregnancy. I'm starting to fee a little more tired now, but other then that everything is great. How about yourself?

I can't believe I am jsut now seeing this thread!

jordiwes wrote:
Hey Crystal, Congrats on the girl!

I can't believe it but it's about 7 weeks until my due date now!!

When are you due?? I'm due March 9, with a boy. I'll race ya! :biggrin2:

Congrats, everyone! We will all have to have a huge get together baby party after eveyone has their babies, LOL.
jordiwes wrote:
Ditto on the fabulous pregnancy. How much longer are you working?

I actually left a job just before I got pregnant, we then found out I was pregnant so we decided I'd just stay home for now. Gets quite boring right now, but once the baby is here I won't bored anymore LOL

I'm due April 24th.

