Pregnancy Thread

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Congratulations! You must be so excited. Do you know what you are having?


To you, Stephanie, and Michelle!

Yes I am, I mentioned it very sneakily and quietly on here once already :p.

I didn't want to be and was told I couldn't be, so it's either a blessing or a horror, I'm not sure yet :shock:.

*edit* Phinnsmommy, I hope I have a rabbit! :laugh:, but if it has to be a human, I am hoping for a boy.
:pinkbouce::woohoo:bestwishes::bunny18:big kiss::party0002::pinkelepht::weee:

Can I turn this into a pregnancy thread?:laughsmiley: Do you mind sharing, Crystal?

sas :hugsquish:
Great idea, Pipp! Pregnancy thread! WOOT WOOT!

I miss being pregnant. So odd, even though I have Kayla I still miss the little "alien" that used to live in my belly. It's hard to make the mental connection that she was in my belly!
Sure, make it a pregnancy thread :)

I have my first ultrasound on Thursday. I'm sooooo excited!!!!!!!!

My nausea is long gone now. Thank god for that though!
I know what you mean! Heck I look at my girl, seven years old, about 45lbs (long and lean, that one), and I STILL can't believe she ever fit in's also difficult to believe she's that little (little, HAH! She was 10lbs!) baby that was inside me for almost a year!

Isn't life AMAZING?? :D

TrixieRabbit wrote:
Great idea, Pipp! Pregnancy thread! WOOT WOOT!

I miss being pregnant. So odd, even though I have Kayla I still miss the little "alien" that used to live in my belly. It's hard to make the mental connection that she was in my belly!
I can't wait to start to feel the baby move! Everyone says it should be anytime now. That's exciting. And getting the nursery ready. It doesn't seem so real to me yet, until the baby moves. Then I'll really start to feel the connection. Although I am already showing. I can't believe I'm starting to show so soon. Kinda scary LOL

Just thought I'd share the very first picture of our baby. Here He/She is at 13 weeks. (Ultrasound done October 18th). Can't wait to find out the sex. But here it is. Has it's hand up at it's face :)


OH I see it!! I can never see anything when people show pictures of ultrasounds, but I actually see it - COOL!

Aww...your little cutie is sucking his/her thumb!!! CUTE!!!

I had one of Em like that...sucking her cute...

And nermal...I know what you mean...heck, Em's barely 4' tall (if that) and I already can't believe it...I still remember so vividly when she was just a little baby...and she was 10lbs when she was born, too!

I just love seeing babies now...:)
Thanks guys!

And I know, Nadia. Everyone keeps saying that. They can actually see the baby in the picture. She did a great job of zooming in on him/her for me. Had a really nice Ultrasound Tech!

Congrats to everyone expecting! Babies are so fun, as long as you can give them back to their parents, LOL :biggrin2:

*hides from RO pregnancy wave*

Crystalballl wrote:
Just thought I'd share the very first picture of our baby. Here He/She is at 13 weeks. (Ultrasound done October 18th). Can't wait to find out the sex. But here it is. Has it's hand up at it's face :)

