Well-Known Member
Went into labor officially about 9:00AM. Had all those lovely contractions, Finally decided to getan epidural. About 2:30ish the doctor came in and checked and told me Iwas 3 CM dilated and totally efaced, but I still had some of my waterbag in there, so they popped that and I shot up to 8 CM dilation and itput Scarlett into shock, her heart rate dropped big time, whichresulted in emergency c-section. It hurt like hell, scared the crapoutta me, but she came out screaming and very healthy.
6 pounds, 9 oz. 18 1/2 inches long. Very happy baby...and now I'm a very sore mama. but, I shall survive.
She was born October 26th at 2:30 Pm.
6 pounds, 9 oz. 18 1/2 inches long. Very happy baby...and now I'm a very sore mama. but, I shall survive.
She was born October 26th at 2:30 Pm.