Funny that you just asked that, as I just logged back on to post aboutthis. Fey is doing okay now, and is healing well, but she haddiarrhea this weekend that was most likely caused by herantibiotics. She is now almost back to normal. Feyis still in the tiny cage. I'm starting to let her playoutside of it a little now, as her wounds are healing verynicely.How is Fey doing? Is she out of the Mommy must hate me cageyet? Will you attempt the bonding again do you think?
Why in the world would you let Fey out with anyother rabbit until she is 100% healed? I don't understand that. Alsowhy did you let them stay together after the first fight.
And even though they fought, Fey seems much less frustrated now.
Tina, I understand where you are coming from. It'shard to understand if you don't know these two. I triedletting them play together because they were both acting verylonely. This has been stressful on both of them.And I know that the longer I keep them apart the harder it will be torebond them.
No I don't know them that well. I can totally understand thembeing stressed and lonely. Why not move their cages closer together?They can still see and smell each other and interact but no one getshurt. Worry about bonding them once Fey is all better.
I didn't separate them immediately because the first two "fights" weremainly posturing with a small amount of chasing. They weresimilar to how they acted when they were in the small cage together(the cage from their previous owner). They would often testeach other, but it wouldn't get violent. I continued becauseit was almost normal for them. Anything involving teeth andfur is not, though, so as soon as that happened I separatedthem.
Whether it's posturing or fighting, bothare stressful. Especially considering that Fey isn't fully healed. Whystress her system further? She needs time to heal. Keep in mind thatrabbits are adept at concealing pain and stress.Just because shedoesn't look stressed doesn't mean she isn't stressed. It sounds as ifthe bond was stressed anyway.
And even though they fought, Fey seems much less frustratednow. I think she wanted to see her sister, but she wantedSprite to be on perfect behavior "or else."
Thisstatement alone tells me they are not ready to be together and to tryis just asking for more trouble.
I'm not going to try bonding them until I'm sure Fey is 100%.She's actually not too far away. She's not sore at all andshe's raring to go. Her scabs are smaller and everythinglooks to be healing cleanly. She's a fast healer, she justdoesn't do well with medicine.
TinaI thinkyou are trying to rush things to fast. Sure they look sad and lonely.But it is your job as their caretaker to do what's best for them evenif it means keeping them separate. You also mentioned the bondingtaking longer the longer they are separated. That is a bridgeto cross later when Fey is well again. Rushing and you'll be right backwhere you started from, another injuredrabbit.