Prayers for Fey, please

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Wow..that sounds pretty major..I'm glad sheseems to be doing well. Would you mind posting pics? I'm justcurious to see how it looks compared to what Corky went thru.Keep a close eye on tearing around the stitches...Corky's 2nd surgerywas due to the skin tearing above the stitched area. Rabbitskin is very different from ours.

That pain reliever is a good one..he was on that one....good luck and keep us posted.
Oh, wow... What amess to go through! Poor Fey! And puncture wounds are so painful too.You are very fortunate to have found an emergency vet clinic thatactually worked with you on the fees. Most of themknow theyhave their customers where they want them and don't budge on thosebills.

We had a cat that had his head run overby a car and we took him in. Same story as yours in that they didn't dothe surgery and waited for our vet to do it, but the fees were stillastronomical... Dang cat ended up costing $1000.00 in the end but youdidn't know it because they got you all along the way.

Sorry, back to Fey... I hope she will letyou pick her up and hold the heat to her tummy, I sure think that willhelp. It's got to be good that she is eagerly taking her meds. Do youusually feed greens, or is there something that she likes that shemight eat to promote more poos?

I hope the next day or two goes well.I'll be thinking ofyou.

Fey is doing all right. She's stilleating fine, and she had lots of poops when I cleaned her cage at 1 pmtoday, but hasn't pooped since. It's 10 pm now. I'mnot real worried because of how much she's been eating. WhenI fed her at one, she was several hours overdue for her painmeds (darn 12 hour shifts!) but was still alert and hungry.And she's eating now. So she should be poopingsoon... I think she's pouting because she has to stay in thecage. She's been ripping her bedding to shreds.

At least she's still taking her meds like a champ. She givesme this look like she knows the pumpkin doesn't taste right but sinceit's still pumpkin, she'll still eat it. James got anelectrical heating pad that we can put under one side of hercage. We're using it several times a day.

She looks a little more raw underneath. I haven't seen herchew on it, but that doesn't mean much. It could be becausethe skin is stretching, too. We're both keeping a close eyeon it.
I am so glad that Fey is eating and been poopingOK. The rip was certainly some size for such a small girl. I had tolaugh at her knowing that there was something different about thepumpkin, but she ate it anyway :D. Hoping for continued improvement.

Update on Fey: She's pooping again andtrashing her cage. At least she's peeing in the litterbox, nomatter where she moves it to. She got excited last night whenI tied a Crispy Chew to her cage for her to play with. She'svery sore but she still wants to play. It takes alot to get this bunny down.

She doesn't seem to be eating her pellets as much, but I don't mind aslong as she's eating hay and veggies. She's sensitive topellets, anyway.

Thanks for all the good thoughts! Hopefully she will heal well and quickly.
Mr. Stee wrote:
Found out that newspaper is bad for white bunnies.... theink from the newspaper is staining her paws black and it is transferingslightly to her head.
A slightly discoloured white bunny with newsprint ink. :D

Glad to hear Fey is recovering.

How is Mocha doing? Is he getting along with theother bunnies? What caused Fey and Mocha to fight?

Rainbows :)
Mocha and the others are doing well.They are all back to their normal ways, which is: Sprite is curiouslyshy about the whole world, Mocha is the snotty girlfriend of Loki andlets the others know it every chance she gets the whole time actingcute about it (this is the reason for the fight), and Loki is theplayfully friendly bunny who wants nothing more in the world then a boxto throw and a lot of loving from the nearest available person orbunny. Through all this, Fey sits longingly at the cage barswatching them run past as she is getting her regular dose of heat tokeep the ache away. Depressed? Yeah I am prettysure she is, but her unfair prison sentence doesn't have much more timeto it and pretty soon she will look like this when she finally getsout...


And then like this...


Here is to the release of the wrongly convicted, May the feel of freedom lift the hearts of all who were unwillingly confined.:D

Fey hasn't pooed since late lastnight. The last couple days she has been poo free all morningthen lays a good load in the early afternoon, but today it is 6:30pmand she still hasn't pooed once. It is starting to get meconcerned. She has been eating less then normal, but shestill is eating regularly (she isn't eating much of any haythough). I hope that she will poo for us overnight, but ifnot its off to the vet tomarrow for her.

Heres to hopeing:pray:

I hope you get poopies by morning time.

We must be about the only people who wish and hope and sweat on our beloved creatures pooping.

Good news, folks! Fey is pooping alittle and eating more. She only nibbled small amountsthroughout the day. I'm pretty sure that the cause is herpain medication that she gets once a day at noon. She getsBaytril twice a day and it doesn't seem to be bothering her as she eatsand poops fine at night. She seems to start pooping andeating again about 11-12 hours after she gets her daily dose ofMeloxicam and her first dose of Baytril. The painkiller doeshave GI related side effects, so this must be them.

Fey is supposed to be getting one more dose of the painkiller tomorrowbut I'm not going to give it to her. I have to call the vetabout a checkup for her anyway, so I'll ask about whether she shouldhave something else or not. Meloxicam is in the same class ofdrugs as aspirin, so I'm not comfortable giving her baby aspirin (aftera vet consult, of course) as the same thing might happen.Poor girl. Aspirin gives me an upset stomach, too.

We did take a few pics while Fey was standing up to eat a treat, butthey are fuzzy and look worse than the real thing. In factafter we looked at the pictures, which were mainly taken so we couldstudy them, we picked her up for a better look as they kind of scaredus. Sure enough, she doesn't look nearly that bad.Her wounds are scabbed over now and there had been a little drainagefrom the stitched area that had dried. I'm going to ask thevet about the possibility of extending the Baytrilprescription. This is the same vet who lanced Tank's abcess,and I know he has previous experiences with dealing with abcesses sohopefully he can help us prevent one.
Oh jeez...I am just reading this now .. poorFey!! Glad to hear everything is healing nicely and her spirits are up! .. I will keep all of you in my prayers for her complete recovery!

Baddddddddddddd Mocha!
Whata Love!


Poor little punkin. :kiss:

I'm glad she's doing well. Prayers continue for a quick and complete recovery for your baby girl.


I know some pain meds can cause constipation in humans maybe it is the same with rabbits?
Sending prayers that she continues to heal and poo!
dyky71 wrote:
I know some pain meds can cause constipation inhumans maybe it is the same with rabbits?
Sending prayers that she continues to heal and poo!
Many pain meds used in rabbits can cause GI problems such as GIslowdown and stomach ulceration. My vet said that he seesthese problems so frequently in rabbits that he doesn't like to givepain meds beyond the first day or two.

Speaking of which, Fey went in to my regular vet today. Shelooked a little swollen and had some yellow pussy drainage.The vet said that she was healing well. The swelling wastissue swelling, not an abcess, and is a normal part of healing a woundlike that. The drainage was from normal healing too, and hesaid that it was better to be draining than to stay in. Hesaid to finish the last of her antibiotics and continue to keep an eyeon her. He's confident that she'll heal well with no lastingissues.


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