Hi all! So my holland lop is possibly pregnant due to a witnessed fall off. It’s day 19 since then. I did read online about some signs because I didn’t try to palate because he really doesn’t let me do more then pet her and I’ve never palpated a bun. What were the signs your bun showed when pregnant around this time? She definitely seems uneasy about me in the cage cleaning sometimes, she’s digging like crazy in the litter box(she was digging when I got her but more so now.) to the point she’s knocking litter out of the litter box. I wouldn’t say she’s been aggressive or anything yet. She is laying down more so than she did before. But sometimes it’s like she actually comes for pets now? Can that be a thing? I can’t tell if she’s gained weight really, what would her belly feel like at this point? Here’s some pictures of her, please don’t mind the cage as she keeps knocking out litter. So please tell me your buns signs of pregnancy and if you have felt the does belly at this point would it feel different?